October 2, 2012

AS TIME GOES BY - Movie & Song

Humphrey Bogart and  Ingrid Bergman

很多樂迷未欣賞過《北非諜影》這電影, 但有聽過這首經典歌曲 "As Time Goes By"; 原曲是1931年, Herman Hupfeld 為百老匯舞台歌劇 "Everybody's Welcome" 所撰寫的作品, 當年衹存載有 Rudy Vallée 原唱版本的錄音。1942年再編為電影"Casablanca"的挿曲, 並由影片中飾演鋼琴手 SAM 的 Dooley Wilson 作幕前演出, 鋼琴配樂則由 Elliot Carpenter 幕後演譯, 因為劇情所限, 沒有將原曲"Intro 引子"的一段歌詞在影片中唱出, 同時 Dooley 本身是鼓手, 鋼琴非他所能, 片中所見他祇是在鏡頭前彈琴做秀而已!

1942年, 遇上美國職業樂手罷工, Dooley Wilson 的版本未能及時錄製唱片, 電影公司為配合電影推廣, 將1931年 Rudy Vallée 的版本重新印製。唱片面世後成為當年的 No.1 Hit 歌曲。

"Great American Songbook, Volume 2" 記錄1931年 Rudy Vallée 此曲的黑膠唱片錄音腊胚模, 有收錄這段被遺忘的"Intro 引子"歌詞, 讓我們可以認識到"Time 時光"的一些哲理, 但不知甚麽緣故, 可能是商業的原因, 這段歌詞很少被其他歌手演譯 ...

Rudy Vallée "As Time Goes By" 
Music & Lyric: Herman Hupfeld

This day and age we're living in
Gives cause for apprehension
With speed and new invention
And things like third dimension

We get a trifle weary
With Mr. Einstein's theory
So we must get down to earth at times
Relax... relieve the tension

No matter what the progress
Or what may yet be proved
The simple facts of life are such
They cannot be removed

You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by

And when two lovers woo
They still say, I love you
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by

Moonlight and love songs
Are never out of date
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate
Woman needs man
And man must have his mate
That no one can deny

It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by

As Time Goes By - Jaye P. Morgan 1958 Original lyric version

As Time Goes By - Natalie Cole 1993 Original lyric version

"As Time Goes By" - Casablanca 北非諜影

AS TIME GOES BY - 1932  Binnie Hale 

AS TIME GOES BY - Billie Holiday, Carmen McRae, Count Basie 

AS TIME GOES BY - Transparent Trio @ 卡默 小現場 Taiwan
Guitar : Ray Chang 張志宇
Double Bass : Joseph Lin 林友諒
Vocal : Singing Huang 黃心盈