October 13, 2012


喜歡民歌的人士, 一定有幾首心愛的民歌, 甚至有自已心目中仰慕的民歌手, 最多歌迷喜愛的歌手, 相信是 Joan Baez, 很多民歌迷是跟她一同成長, 至今亦依隨相伴她是一位反戰的積極份子, 被稱為"和平使者"!

"Donna Donna" 是大多數民歌擁護者所喜愛民歌之一, 此曲原自1940年一齣猶太人舞臺劇 "Esterke" 的樂曲, 節奏與編曲有不同, 以適合劇情而定, 原曲意思講述一頭放在馬車上的小牛犢, 要送到市埸給屠宰, 自怨自艾問為甚麽不能像燕子和風一樣, 可以飛走呢? 唱出當畤猶太人被大屠殺的心聲。

דונה דונה תיאודור ביקל Theodore Bikel : Dona Dona - 1959

Nehama Hendel - Dona Dona (1965) ;נחמה הנדל: דונה דונה
1940 version - "DANA DANA"  
Music : Sholom Secunda  
Lyric: Aaron Zeitlin

歌詞中的 "Donna Donna" 解作猶太文 Yiddish 的 "Dana Dana", 是猶太人一位神 "Adonai" 的變體. 這首歌曲同樣被譯成多種語言版本, 由不同歌者演譯, 大都是唱出人類的願望, 渴求世界和平共處的心聲 !

1960 version - "Donna Donna"
Lyric: Arthur Kevees & Teddi Schwartz

On a wagon bound for market 
There's a calf with a mournful eye. 
High above him there's a swallow 
Winging swiftly through the sky.

How the winds are laughing 
They laugh with all their might 
Laugh and laugh the whole day through 
And half the summer's night.

Dona, dona, dona, dona, 
Dona, dona, dona, do, 
Dona, dona, dona, dona, 
Dona, dona, dona, do.

"Stop complaining," said the farmer, 
"Who told you a calf to be? 
Why don't you have wings to fly with 
Like the swallow so proud and free?"

How the winds are laughing ... (Repeat)
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered 
Never knowing the reason why. 
But whoever treasures freedom, 
Like the swallow has learned to fly

"DONNA DONNA" CLAUDE FRANCOIS - French version 1964