November 23, 2012


原名 Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 - August 6,1977) 出生於 Mississippi 密西西比州 Tupelo。十歲, 第一次参加 Alabama State & Dairy Show 的歌唱比賽, 一曲 "Old Shep" 名列第二; 十三歲跟父母遷往 Tennessee 田納西州 Memphis 曼菲斯市定居。


"OLD SHEP" - Elvis Presley
When I was a lad
And old Shep was a pup
Over hills and meadows we'd stray
Just a boy and his dog
We were both full of fun
We grew up together that way

I remember the time at the old swimmin' hole
When I would have drowned beyond doubt
But old Shep was right there
To the rescue he came
He jumped in and then pulled me out

As the years fast did roll
Old Shep, he grew old
His eyes were fast growing dim
And one day the doctor looked at me and said
"I can do no more for him, Jim"

With hands that were trembling
I picked up my gun
And aimed it at Shep's faithful head
I just couldn't do it, I wanted to run
I wish they would shoot me instead

He came to my side and looked up at me
And laid his old head on my knee
I had struck the best friend a man ever had
I cried so I scarcely could see

Old Shep, he has gone where the good doggies go
And no more with old Shep will I roam
But if dogs have a heaven, there's one thing I know
Old Shep has a wonderful home
Elvis Presley (1935-1977)
從未受過正統學習音樂, 祇由聆聽 Jukebox 的歌曲與及叔父送的一支结他自學開始。1953年, 第一次在 Humes High School Annual Show 自彈自唱一曲 Teresa Brewer 的 "Till I Waltz Again With You" 觀衆给予熱烈掌聲, 因而被激勵對歌唱與表演的信心。同年 Elvis Presley 到 Memphis 曼菲斯市一錄音公司錄製一首作為送給母親生日禮物的歌曲; 這公司的老闆 Sam Phillips 當時剛成立自己的 Sun Records 唱片公司, 與助手 Marion Keisker 聽過 Elvis 的錄音後, 覺得他很有潛質, 於是要求記下他的地址。
一年後, 1954年六月, Sam Phillips 邀請 Elvis 去公司試錄製一些來自 Nashville 的歌曲, 更邀請了結他手 Scotty Moore 和低音結他手 Bill Black 伴奏, 但效果並不理想, 直到 Elvis 錄唱完 Arthur Crudup 的一曲 "That's All Right" 才感覺滿意, 成為 Elvis Presley 在流行樂壇的首張單曲細唱片, Sun Records 錄製和面世發行, 很受當地樂迷歡迎, 而 Elvis 被邀簽訂為公司旗下的合約歌手。可惜 Sam Phillips 因為一曲 "Bear Cat" 的官司, 將初出道的 Elvis 拱手轉譲與 RCA 唱片公司作為訴訟的賠償!

Arthur Crudup (1905-1974) "THAT'S ALL RIGHT" (Original Version) 

Elvis Presley "THAT'S ALL RIGHT"
Well, that's all right, mama
That's all right for you
That's all right mama, just anyway you do
Well, that's all right, that's all right.
That's all right now mama, anyway you do

Mama she's done told me,
Papa done told me too
'Son, that gal your foolin' with,
She ain't no good for you'
But, that's all right, that's all right.
That's all right now mama, anyway you do

I'm leaving town, baby
I'm leaving town for sure
Well, then you won't be bothered with
Me hanging 'round your door
Well, that's all right, that's all right.
That's all right now mama, anyway you do