November 24, 2012

MARIANNE FAITHFULL - Sister Morphine 18+

一首有爭議性的歌曲, 應該衹准18+或適宜任何年齡人士欣賞呢? 此曲創作於1969年, 原唱是 Marianne Faithfull ....

當時作曲方面我相信是 Mick Jagger, Keith Richards 與 Marianne 的集體創作; 第一, 當年的 Marianne 與 Mick 在感情方面仍沒有甚麽不妥之處; 第二, 他們三人志同道合. 有共同特殊 [嗜好], 撰寫這樣的一首歌曲, 以表達他們對這 [嗜好] 的愛恨交錯, 而當大家仍相處愉快時候, 没多大計較, 樣樣 OK !


Here I lie in my hospital bed,
Tell me, Sister Morphine, when are you coming round again.
Oh, and I don't think I can wait that long
Oh, you see that my pain is so strong.

All the other patients say they've never seen a man with such pain,
Tell me, Sister Morphine, when are you coming round again ?
Oh, I don't think I can wait that long,
Oh, you see that I'm not that strong.

The scream of the ambulance is sounding in my ear.
Tell me, Sister Morphine, how long have I been lying here ?
What am I doing in this place ?
Why does the doctor have no face ?
Oh, I can't crawl across the floor.
Can't you see, Sister Morphine, just trying to score.

Well, it just goes to show things are not what they seem.
Please, Sister Morphine, turn my nightmare into dreams.
Oh, can't you see I'm fading fast
And that this shot will be the last.

Please, Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool hands on my head.
Hey, Sister Morphine, you'd better make up the lyin' bed
'Cause you know and I know in the morning I'll be dead,
And you can sit around and watch all the clean white sheets stain red.

歌曲完成後, 交由 Marianne 首唱錄製細唱片, 不過面世後銷量衹有五百張, 而 Rolling Stones 的演繹錄音還没有面世; 至1970年與 Mick 感情破裂, 告而分手。1971年 The Rolling Stones 錄製大碟時此曲亦加入其中, 而創作人名字祇有 Mick 同 Keith; 及後, 經一輪法律程序, Marianne Faithfull 的名字亦要加入此歌曲的創作人名列, 另外亦可在收益中分紅。1994年,The Rolling Stones 再重新編錄, 將此曲加入其唱片 "STICKY FINGER" 之中; 1997/1998年 "BRIDGES TO BABYLON TOUR" 演出此曲亦收錄入 "NO SECURITY" 大碟中。

The Rolling Stones - Sister Morphine - Live 1997