May 23, 2013

SAILING - Cover Song Uncovered

" S A I L I N G "
英國 Folk/Rock 樂 "The Sutherland Bros. Band" (Gavin & Ian Sutherland) 1972年單曲唱片 "LIFEBOAT" 的 A-面歌曲, 1975年月 Rod Stewart 翻唱成為 UK HIT No.1 達四個星期; 翌年, BBC 以此翻唱歌曲用於 HMS Ark Royal 的紀錄片專輯 "SAILOR" 的挿曲, 繼而再登上流行榜, 成為英國最高細碟銷量榜, 售出超過一百萬張

給歌迷遺忘的原唱作版本: "SAILING" 1972
 Lyric & Music : The Sutherland Bros. Band (Gavin & Ian Sutherland) 

1987年 Zeebrugge Ferry 的大災難, Rod Stewart 再重新發行為這事故籌欵. 

" MS Herald of Free Enterprise was a roll-on roll-off (RORO) ferry which capsized moments after leaving the Belgian port of Zeebrugge on the night of 6 March 1987, killing 188 passengers and crew. The modern 8-deck car and passenger ferry, owned by Townsend Thoresen, had been designed for rapid loading and unloading on the competitive cross-channel route, and there were no watertight compartments. When the ship left harbour with her bow-door open, the sea immediately flooded the decks, and within minutes she was lying on her side in shallow water." - Wikipedia
Hong Kong
及後, 有一次翻唱錄音是與香港有關, 相信很多樂迷仍不知道或遺忘了, 八十年代末期, 香港政府因拒絕收容一批越南難民而引起國際社會關注, 英國樂隊 "GENESIS" 的前成員, 一位創作歌手 Steve Hackett 發起, 並帶领一眾歌星對香港政府的抗議, 並重新錄製此曲 "SAILING" 籌欵幫助難民面向新生活

1988年.... 「不漏洞拉」越南語: bắt đầu từ nay, 是香港政府向越南船民播出的越南語宣傳聲帶開始時四個音節, 講述港府對越南船民已經實施甄別政策。廣播由公營的香港電台負責播出。廣播首尾兩端以粵語說明越南語內容, 由香港播音藝員鍾偉明讀出。中段的越南語由一位當時即將被遣返回越南的船民讀出。 由於該廣播的播放次數頻密(當時在該電台每小時整點新聞報道後播出), 「不漏洞拉」四個音節成為了不少香港人能背誦的越南語。在香港的電視節目推波助瀾之下,「不漏洞拉」有時會被用作對越南人的戲稱。


Bắt đầu từ nay, một chính sách mới về thuyền nhân Việt Nam đã được chấp hành tại Hồng Kông. Từ nay về sau, những thuyền nhân Việt Nam kiếm cách nhập cảnh Hồng Kông với thân phận những người di tản vì vấn đề kinh tế sẽ bị coi là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp. Là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp, họ sẽ không có chút khả năng nào để được đi định cư tại nước thứ ba, và họ sẽ bị giam cầm để chờ ngày giải về Việt Nam. 

【 從今開始, 香港政府對越南船民已實施新政策; 以後, 凡因經濟問題進入香港船民, 將被視作非法入境。非法入境者是沒可能移居第三國, 他們將被監禁並等待遣返回越南 】

 S A I L I N G - 1990 version A Protest Song  Against the Repatriation of Vietnamese Boat People by Hong Kong in 1990  Produced by: Steve Hackett and William Budis   
I am sailing, I am sailing
Far away, across the sea
I am sailing, stormy waters
To be near you, to be free

I am flying, I am flying
Like a bird, across the sky
I am flying, passing high clouds
To be near you, to be free

Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Through the dark night, far away
I am dying, forever trying
To be with you, who can say?

We are sailing, we are sailing
Far away, across the sea
We are sailing, stormy waters
To be near you, to be free

To be near you, to be free
To be near you, to be free
To be near you, to be free
To be near you, to be free

I am flying, I am flying
Like a bird, across the sky
I am flying, passing high clouds
To be near you, to be free

Oh lord, to be near you, to be free
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Through the dark night
Far away I am dying, forever trying
To be with you, who can say
To be with you, who can say

 Guitarists: Steve Hackett, Brian May, Steve Rothery, Phil Manzanera  
[Roxy Music, John Wetton, David Gilmour]
Bass: Pino Palladino [The Who, John Mayer Trio, The RH Factor,  The Law, Genesis, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, David Gilmour]
Vocalists: Bonnie Tyler, Paul Carrack, Curt Smith, Mark King, Judie Truke, Steve Hogarth, Kevin Godley, Ian Sutherland, Jim Diamond, Justin Hayward
Backing Vocals: Tom Conti, Steve Hackett, Paul Muggleton, Judie Truke  
Piano: Howard Jones
Keyboards and programming: Nick Magnus
Percussion: Nick Magnus  
Drums: Simon Phillips
Strings: The London Chamber Orchestra  
Bagpipes: The Pride Of Murray Bagpipe Band
Special Guests: Mike Rutherford, Adam Woods, John Hackett