April 30, 2013

THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 13/12

後戰爭期的 "安魂曲" ....


歌曲中的 JOHN 衹是英國人的自稱!
12. NOT NOW JOHN - David Gilmour / Roger Waters
   . . . OK, listen, it's a . . . (laugh) 
Fuck all that, we've got to get on with these
    Fuck all that, Fuck all that
Got to compete with the wily Japanese
There's too many home fires burning and not enough trees
    Fuck all that
So fuck all that, we've got to get on with these
    Got to get on with these

   ...can't stop...lose job...mind gone...silicon...what bomb...get away...
   pay day...make hay...break down...need fix...big six...clickety click...hold
   on...oh no....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrngg.......bingo!!!!!!!!!

戰後人們變得冷漠, 互不關懷, 因為戰爭的代價, 付出了很多人力, 工作, 生產, 失卻不少競爭與進取的機會。

Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em dance in the aisles
Make 'em pay, make 'em stay, make 'em feel okay

Not now John, we've got to get on with the film show
    Got to get on, got to get on
Hollywood waits at the end of the rainbow
    Rainbow, the rainbow
Who cares what it's all about as long as the kids go
    As long as the kids go

對電影媒介的厭惡, 不滿電影製作的方針, 為求利潤, 將戰爭的嚴肅問題, 以戲劇化去演譯, 不理會對小孩的教誨。

So not now John, we've got to get on with the show
    Got to get on, got to get on 

Hang on John, I've got to get on with this
    Got to get on, got to get on
Don't know what it is, but it fits on here like this
Come at the end of the shift, we'll go and get pissed
But not now John, I've got to get on with this
    Got to get on with this, Got to get on

Hold on John, I think there's something good on
I used to read books but
It could be the news or some other amusement
It could be reusable shows

在後戰爭期, 很多文化被丟掉, 教育隨著電視質量每况愈下, 人們變得更無知與天真, 很容易被媒體控制。

Fuck all that, we've got to get on with these
Got to compete with the wily Japanese
    Got to get on, got to get on
No need to worry about the Vietnamese
Got to bring the Russian bear to his knees
    Got to get on
Well, maybe not the Russian bear, maybe the Swedes
We showed Argentina, now let's go and show these
    Got to get on, got to get on
Make us feel tough and wouldn't Maggie be pleased
nah nah nah nah nah nah!

One two three four
S'cusi dove il bar? - Italian
Se parakalo, pou einai to bar? - Greek
S'il vous plait ou est le bar? - French
Oi! Where's the fucking bar, John? - English
    Got to get on, Not now John, we've got to get on

NEXT .... THE FINAL CUT - Epilogue 完結篇