August 25, 2013

TOE JAM - Divine Inspiration 腳尖的感召

他不能你握手、不能給你鼓掌 ....
José Antonio Meléndez Rodríguez
1962年, 生於拉丁美洲的 "尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua", 母親在懐孕期間因嘗試以藥物墮胎不, 引至他天生沒有两手臂的缺憾, 兒時母親帶他到美國為他裝上義臂, 直至十歲, 他决定棄用並稱義臂給他的不便過於用腳。

他求學其間已喜愛音樂, 每次行經售賣樂器的店舖, 看見掛在舖內不同欵式的結他, 無奈地祇有離開。至十六歲决定買了一支木結他以圓其心願, 雖然不少人對他此决定有非議, 但仍不阻其用脚自學的方法去練習, 需未能以正統的结他演譯, 但未能磨滅他堅毅的意志。

Tony Melendez sings "Never Be The Same" for Pope John Paul II, September 1987. At the conclusion, the Pope said, "Tony, my wish to you is to continue giving hope to all the people." He still is. Praise God with thanksgiving for the gift of Tony.

Never Be The Same - Tony Melendez
Today is filled with love
Today is like no other day before
You and I will never be the same.

I give you all my love
This day and every day
Forever and forever
In our joys and in our pains.

We become the sign of love
Our God has given us
We become the witness to His grace.

We fill the day with love
Today is like no other day before
and even more
You and I will never be the same.

I union with our God
We are become as one
In Him we will bring light
into the dark.

1985年開始演奏於 Los Angeles 各地方, 至1987年九月的一次演出於 Pope John Paul II 到訪, 他以一曲 "Never Be The Same" 令至教宗離座走向前給他擁抱祝福, 跟他說: "My wish to you, is to continue of giving this hope to all, all the people"。

他得到教宗的感召後, 開始其宗教傳道演唱, 至2005年其樂隊 "Tony Meléndez and the Toe Jam Band" 不停地向公眾以鼓勵、激舞的演唱及寫作, 以此行動宣揚反對墮胎及積極面對人生的運動。

Awards and Recognition
Meléndez has won Unity Awards Male Vocalist of the Year UCMVA in 2000, 2002, and 2004, and. In 2002, he took Artist of the year. He received the Branson Entertainment Award for Best New Artist in 1999, the "Inspirational Hero Award from the NFL Alumni Association at the Super Bowl XXIII and has received special commendations from the State of California for his work with young people and from President Reagan, regarding Tony "as a positive role model for America".

Special Commendation from President Reagan — As A Positive Role Model for America
Special Commendation from State of California - For Work with Young People
Inspirational Hero Award from the NFL Alumni Association at Super Bowl XXIII in Miami
Branson Entertainment Awards – Best New Artist (1999)
Unity Awards — Male Vocalist of the Year UCMVA (2000)
Unity Awards — Artist of the Year UCMVA (2002)
Unity Awards — Male Vocalist of the Year UCMVA (2002)
Unity Awards — Male Vocalist of the Year UCMVA (2004)

Tony Melendez (Toe Jam): "Let it Be"

Bed by the Window

Tony Melendez Frisbee