October 23, 2013


《All Hail, Liberia, Hail! - Land of the Free》
利比利亞共和國 Republic of Liberia 位於西非, 西南面向大西洋。 1820年美國解放黑奴, 在有計劃安排之下, 讓他們移徙到現今稱 Liberia 利比利亞這地區生活, 所以國名在英文有「自由」Liberty 和「解放」Liberated 的意思。

在非洲眾多國家中, 利比利亞 Liberia 國歌的詞算列為最古老歌詞的第二位, 是由第三任總統 Daniel Bashiel Warner (1815-1880) 撰寫, 樂曲則由鋼琴與作曲家 Olmstead Luca (1826-1869) 篇撰, 1847年定為國歌, 其間它的樂曲曾有更改, 直至1860年才制定下來至今的版本。

Republic of Liberia 利比利亞共和國最近两次的內戰發生於1989至1996年, 與及1999至2003年, 令至數十萬國民顛沛流離, 經濟損失無數 !

All Hail, Liberia, Hail! "Land of the Free"

All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
This glorious land of liberty,
Shall long be ours.
Though new her name,
Green be her fame,
And mighty be her powers,
And mighty be her powers.
In joy and gladness,
With our hearts united,
We'll shout the freedom,
Of a race benighted.
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!

All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
In union strong success is sure.
We cannot fail! With God above,
Our rights to prove,
We will o'er all prevail,
We will o'er all prevail!
With heart and hand our country's cause defending,
We'll meet the foe with valour unpretending.
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!

Video recommanded by Zodicko Zoo 
Quoted: "最近看了一套由 VICE Media 製作, 關於 Liberia 的紀錄片, 看到的是人間地獄"