October 20, 2013

NATIONAL ANTHEM - Republic of Uganda

《Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty》世界上一首歌詞最短的國歌之一, 原來三段的歌詞已經很短, 再被制定祇唱一段。

1962年 Uganda 烏干達脫離英聯邦成為 Republic of Uganda, 為紀念獨立, 要有一首自己的國歌, 於是全國公開比賽, 最後由 George Kakoma 以最短的時間, 一天內將樂譜與歌詞同時完成, 而審評未作他選而成為國歌。

Republic of Uganda
Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty

First Stanza

Oh Uganda! may God uphold thee,
We lay our future in thy hand.
United, free,
For liberty
Together we'll always stand.

Second Stanza

Oh Uganda! the land of freedom.
Our love and labour we give,
And with neighbours all
At our country's call
In peace and friendship we'll live.

Third Stanza

Oh Uganda! the land that feeds us
By sun and fertile soil grown.
For our own dear land,
We'll always stand,