January 8, 2014

ROCKABILLY 鄉 巴 搖 滾 12/2 - Trends & Modes

Trends & Modes 時 尚 潮 流 
Tennessee 田納西州 Memphis 曼菲斯市以外的一位佃農富家子弟 Carl Perkins, 他的樂隊在夜總會演奏時仍停留在鄉謠音樂的潮流, 衹不過有時遇到一些客人的要求, 把鄉謠的節奏加快以適合跳舞, 因此他們知道市內的 "鄉巴搖滾" 節奏已開始流行起來, 市內大多數的週末舞會, 歌唱比賽或其他大小盛會, 樂隊表演總離不開活潑輕快節奏的 "Rockabilly 鄉巴搖滾"。

1955年, Carl Perkins (1932-1998) 自己錄製了一首較快節拍的鄉謠歌曲 "The Blue Suede Shoes" 的錄音, 他把示範樣本寄給東部紐約市的一些小型唱片公司, 但全不接納他的錄音, 推却理由是風格奇特, 又不是 Rock n' Roll 的節奏, 是不適合當前的商業趨勢而被退回, 最後唯有交給 Memphis 曼菲斯市當地的唱片公司 Sun Records 錄製才得以面世, 不過以普遍的 "Rock n' Roll" 歌曲看待而已。

"Rockabilly 鄉村搖滾" 
的潮流可稱是始於 Tennessee 田納西州的 Memphis 曼菲斯市, 這類音樂成為主流之後, 不但很受歡迎, 甚至有它的樂迷追隨者, 更而成為年青人的時尚, 有他們獨特的髮型、衣着、外表與生活行為、這一切使它能存在及有其商業的價值。

Carl Perkins - "The Blue Suede Shoes"

 Quoted: Wikipedia  
"Johnny Cash planted the seed for the song in the fall of 1955, while Perkins, Cash, Elvis Presley, and other Louisiana Hayride acts toured throughout the South. Cash told Perkins of a black airman, C. V. White,  whom he had met when serving in the military in Germany, who had referred to his military regulation airmens shoes as "blue suede shoes." Cash suggested that Carl write a song about the shoes. Carl replied, "I don't know anything about shoes. How can I write a song about shoes?" When Perkins played a dance on December 4, 1955, he noticed a couple dancing near the stage. Between songs, Carl heard a stern, forceful voice say, "Uh-uh, don't step on my suedes!" Carl looked down and noted that the boy was wearing blue suede shoes and one had a scuff mark. Good gracious, a pretty little thing like that and all he can think about is his blue suede shoes, thought Carl."

Elvis Presley - "The Blue Suede Shoes" 

此曲再經 Elvis Presley 他 "貓聲, 貓氣" 的不同演譯, 被樂迷狂熱追捧, 此時的 Elvis 早已成為 RCA 唱片公司旗下的歌星了 !