April 5, 2014

POLLY WOLLY DOODLE《道理真巧妙》路家敏 《薔薇處處開》周璇

"Polly Wolly Doodle"
原是1880年 "Harvard Student Songbook" 其中的一首歌曲。目前可找到有關此曲的原稿, 只有在女作家 Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957) 1943年的兒童故事集之一 "These Happy Golden Years", 但有傳原作者是一位很有名的美國作曲家藝人 Dan Emmett (1815-1904) , 他曾經力排非議, 以白人化粧成黑人, 稱 Blackface 為名的舞台表演而哄動一時。

"Polly Wolly Doodle" 此曲最早被樂壇關注的是在1938年 Oscar 奧斯卡最佳電影獎的 "You Can't Take It With You"《浮生若夢》 劇中的配樂。

再次出現於電視片集中有 2005年的 "Mr. Monk Stays In Bed"、2013年的廸士尼兒童卡通電視 "Sheriff Callie's Wild West" 亦以此作選曲配樂。

翻唱的版本很多, 較受歡迎的版本, 有1962年 Alvin and The Chipmunks, 1975年 Leon Redbone。最為樂迷熟悉的就是1979年 Boney-M 所唱的版本 "Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday"。

BONEY M - "Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday"

Shirley Temple - Polly Wolly Doodle 1935: "The Littlest Rebel" 港譯片名《小諸葛》

"The Littlest Rebel" - Polly Wolly Doodle
Oh! I eat watermelon and I have for years,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day;
I like watermelon but it wets my ears,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day.

Maybe grass tastes good to a moo cow's mouth,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day;
But I like chicken 'cause I'm from the south,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day.

Fare-thee well,
Fare-thee well,
Mister gloom be on your way,
If you think you're gonna worry,
You can stop it in a huury,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day!

A woodpecker pecks till he gets his fill,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day;
But the woodpecker pays 'cause it's on his bill,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day.

Oh! I feed my pigs with molasses yam,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day;
And they should be sweeter than they really am,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day.

Fare-thee well,
Fare-thee well,
Mister gloom be on your way,
Tho' you haven't any money,
You can still be bright and sunny,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day!

Oh! I hate to hear a choc'late drop,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day;
But I like to hear a lollypop,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day.

Ev'rything went wrong but it turned out right,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day;
The skies were gray but the future's bright,
Sing Polly-wolly-doodle all the day.

Fare-thee well,
Fare-thee well,
Misteall the day!

A polly is a parrot,
We all know well,
But just what a wolly is
I can't tell.
I wouldn't know a doodle
If one came along,
But polly-wolly-doodle makes a darn good song!

路家敏- 道理真巧妙 1979

個鐘滴答跳 個鐘滴答跳 個鐘滴答一聲等於一秒
   動作真巧妙 道理真巧妙 重會鐘擺兩面搖

個心卜卜跳 個心卜卜跳 每一分鐘都不多不少
在賽跑之後 受到驚慌後 又會加速心跳

我想知 我想知 到底點樣整鐘錶
內裏的巧妙 內裏的巧妙 在那小小發條

個心點解跳 個心點解跳 循環現象不可少
讓血出心臟 導血返心臟 罷跳一刻不得了

愛惜一分秒 愛惜一分秒 到底一分鐘等於多少
任你千千萬 任你千千萬 亦買不到多一秒

願愛惜 願愛惜 愛惜光陰惜分秒
用心的學 用心的練 競賽之中爭分秒 

 "金嗓子-周璇" 的 "蔷薇處處開", 由黎錦暉填詞, 同是取自 "Polly Wolly Doodle"。

 "薔薇處處開" 金嗓子 - 周璇 1936

鮮花笑面歡 鮮花笑面歡,瞧這樣豔麗開放滿花園。


還有一首完全不一樣的版本, 亦名為 "薔薇處處開" 的經典, 分别由龔秋霞、鄧麗君、 姚蘇蓉所演譯的中文歌曲。