June 25, 2014

WHAT NOW MY LOVE - Original & Remade

1961年的法國流行歌曲, 是作曲家 Gilbert Bécaud 與作詞家 Pierre Delanoë 合作的經典。英文版本則出自作詞家 Carl Sigman 手筆的 "What Now My Love", 最早的錄音是 Jane Morgan 和 Ben E. King。
及後亦有意大利文與西班牙文的版本, 而英文的翻唱版本之多, 實嘆為驚人。

"What Now My Love" 的英文歌詞, 除感情的抒發外, 亦着重描繒歌曲的意境, 而原作法文版本的 "Et Maintenant" (And Now), 歌詞則較為陰暗與憂鬱 ....

"Et Maintenant" - (And Now) English Translation Lyric
And now what am i going to do
with the rest of my life
with all the people that didn't care.
Now, that you are gone.

All the nights..for what, for who
and this morning returns for nothing
This heart who beats, for who, for what
Who beats too strong, too strong

And now, what am i going to do
around this nothing will slip my life.
You left me the entire world
But the world without you is small

You my friends, are nice
You know well that nothing can be done.
Even Paris, dying of boredom
all its streets are killing me.

An now, what am i going to do
I will laugh, cry no more.
I'm going to burn all these nights
In the morning, I will hate you.

And then one evening in my mirror
I will see the end of the road,
not flowers and not tears.
the moment to say farewell.

I really have nothing to do
I really have nothing


此曲最經典的演譯, 使樂迷難忘的是 1973年一月十四日, "貓王" 皮禮士利 Elvis Presley 在夏威夷的 "Aloha From Hawaii" 演出, 在現場觀眾面前, 又藉着國際通訊衛星, 以同步播送到全球四十三個國家, 給近十億樂迷的節目, 他以混身解數, 把此曲贏盡全世界的樂迷與樂壇的掌聲。據一些樂壇權威人士稱, Elvis Presley 達到了整整三個八度音域的唱功, 把此曲發揮得淋漓盡致。

WHAT NOW MY LOVE - Elvis Presley in "Aloha From Hawaii" Jan 14, 1973

WHAT NOW MY LOVE ? - Jane Morgan 1962
What now my love?
Now that you left me
How can I live through another day?
Watching my dreams turning to ashes
And my hopes into bits of clay
Once I could see
Once I could feel
Now I am numb
I've become unreal
I walk the night
Without a goal
Stripped of my heart
My soul

What now my love?
Now that it's over
I feel the world closing in on me
Here come the stars
Tumbling around me
There's the sky
Where the sea should be

What now my love?
Now that you're gone
I'd be a fool
To go on and on
No one would care
No one would cry
If I should live or die

What now my love?
Now there is nothing
Only my last goodbye

POR QUE TE VAS? - Sergio Gonzalez in Spanish