December 2, 2014

M O N E Y - 3/3 :【美國南音】

MONEY SONG -【美國南音】
"Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out"

"貧 在 路 邊 無 人 問"
1929年, 美國正處經濟大蕭條, 生活拮据的日子, 世態炎涼, 顯盡人際間的真面目; Bessie Smith 以這一曲道出人生起落, 亦是她的人生寫照, 至今仍是警世良言。及後, 這歌曲更不停傳唱, 有很多翻唱的版本, 名字和歌詞亦各有不同, 內容示乎歌者的即興和感情抒發而已, 堪稱為"美國南音"!

創作歌手 Jimmy Cox 1923年撰寫的歌曲, 描述美國禁酒時期的生活實况, 人們的失落與沮喪; 這歌曲在大小社區不停傳唱, 低下階層的酒吧內, 賣藝歌者以即興的情懷抒發一番。1925年 Jimmy Cox 離世, 至1927年六月才有唱片錄音面世, 由失明歌手 Bobby Leecan 亦名 Blind Bobby Baker 演繹; 至今, 原來的歌詞仍沒有正式文本記載, 祇有 Bobby Leecan 一張舊唱片, 以當年坊間生活的詞彙和口語, 把潦倒的苦况在歌曲中細道出來, 難得有樂迷從這張 rpm78轉舊唱片的錄音, 以遍聽遍寫把歌詞記錄和發表, 據稱仍會繼續跟進和修正。

NO BODY KNOWS YOU WHEN YOU'RE DOWN AND OUT - Bobby Leecan 1927 recording


Now I went downtown on Broadway
Looked up at a sign that said no free meals today
Walked right in, I took a seat
Waiter looked at me and said "Hey brother pay off before you eat"

I was raggedy, thirsty too
Lice on my body was walking two by two
In my pocket I didn't have a cent
Right straight down the street to where I went

Now, you can see nobody needs you
Oh, when you're down and out
In your pocket, you ain't, ain't got a dime
Look over town, not a friend you can be found

As soon as your money grows treetop tall
Bill, Jack and Harry, they'll give you a call
Now, listen now, brother, this ain't no doubt
Nobody wants you when you're down and out
I mean on your last go around

Now, I was feeling lonesome, kinda blue
I thought I'd play some numbers like most colored people do
I put my money down on old twenty two
I didn't play no Bolita, (kind of lottery), I thought that would do

As soon as I thought that I had won
The man put over eleven, said "Two twenty one"
A friend of mine walked up to me the very next day
He said he lost on that number the very same way

Once I lived the life of a millionaire,
Spent all my money, I just did not care.
Took all my friends out for a good time,
Bought bootleg liquor, champagne and wine.

Then I began to fall so low,
Lost all my good friends, I did not have nowhere to go.
I get my hands on a dollar again,
I'm gonna hang on to it till that eagle grins.

'Cause no, no, nobody knows you
When you're down and out.
In your pocket, not one penny,
And as for friends, you don't have any.

When you finally get back up on your feet again,
Everybody wants to be your old long-lost friend.
Said it's mighty strange, without a doubt,
Nobody knows you when you're down and out.

When you finally get back upon your feet again,
Everybody wants to be your good old long-lost friend
Said it's mighty strange,
Nobody knows you,
Nobody knows you,
Nobody knows you when you're down and out.

此曲在各大歌手的版本當中, 筆者意外地找到 John Lennon 這稀有的試音版本, 另外還有正式的錄音 "Nobody Loves You", 現將他兩首不同的演譯給樂迷作比較, 但筆者較喜歡這不經意的錄音演譯。

Nobody loves you when you're down and out
Nobody sees you when you're on cloud nine
Everybody's hustlin' for a buck and a dime
I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine

I've been across to the other side
I've shown you everything, I got nothing to hide
And still you ask me do I love you, what it is, what it is
All I can tell you is it's all show biz
All I can tell you is it's all show biz

Nobody loves you when you're down and out
Nobody knows you when you're on cloud nine
Everybody's hustlin' for a buck and a dime
I'll scratch your back and you knife mine

I've been across the water now so many times
I've seen the one eyed witchdoctor leading the blind
And still you ask me do I love you, what you say, what you say
Everytime I put my finger on it, it slips away
Everytime I put my finger on it, it slips away

Well I get up in the morning and I'm looking in the mirror to see, ooo wee!
Then I'm lying in the darkness and I know I can't get to sleep, ooo wee!

Nobody loves you when you're old and grey
Nobody needs you when you're upside down
Everybody's hollerin' 'bout their own birthday
Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground

"Le millionaire" - interpréter par le Jam's Orchestra

"Le millionaire" - Claude Noterman
Lyric: Nino Ferrer
Hier encore je vivais comme un millionnaire
J'avais des dollars, je ne savais quoi en faire
J'étais reçu comme un roi dans les clubs à la mode
Whisky, champagne, cigares, les jolies blondes
J'avais des amis sur toute la Terre
Rien que des sourires et des belles manières
En une nuit tout est parti dans une partie de poker

Tous mes amis
Ils ont tous changé d'avis
Aujourd'hui je suis là
Sans un sou en poche
Mais l'argent c'est pas grave
Mais plus d'amis c'est moche

Ne m'oubliez pas
Je suis toujours le même
Rien, rien n'est changé pour moi, non, rien

Oh, mes amis
Je vous en prie
Ne m'oubliez pas

Dites, mes amis...
Oh, je vous en prie...
Ne m'oubliez pas...
Je vous en prie..
Ne m'oubliez pas...