December 6, 2014

U.S. BILLBOARD CHART - I Will Follow Him : Little Peggy March

當中有不同名稱的榜類, 全以美國本土銷售的流行曲為主, 而歌手亦沒有年齡和性別之分; 但是, 由面世至今, 在不同類别的榜首歌星藝人當中, 很少樂迷會留意最年輕歌手的出現。

Ricky Nelson 雖然是第一位登上榜首的年輕歌手, 當年他祗有十八歲, 但是仍未能夠成為本文主題 "最年輕 HOT 100 CHART 榜首歌星", 而登上榜首後的年輕歌手, 在樂壇祇是否 "曇花一現 One-Hit Wonder" 或被認為這是 "剎那光輝 Just A Flash" 的延續?

"U.S. BILLBOARD CHART" 自1958年面世之後, 在不同榜類中能登上榜首位置的歌手不少, 筆者搜羅到十位登上 Hot 100 Chart 榜首, 又最年輕的歌星和歌曲, 逐一介紹給樂迷讀者; 為增加閱覽的興趣, 不以歌手的年齡長幼作次序出現; 看看你心目中的是 ....

Little Peggy March 並非原唱歌手, 卻登上1963年四月二十七日起的榜首達三個星期。有紀錄的十位最年輕而登上 "U.S. Billboard Hot 100" 榜首的歌手當中, Little Peggy March 是排名第六位, 時年祇有十五歲另五十一天, 這紀錄至今仍未被打破。

她成長之後, 在美國流行樂壇再不見有任何佳作, 最後的錄音, 是1997年的德語專輯唱片 "Kommst du heut nacht"。自此, 她専注在水彩畫藝術工作, 其作品曾在世界各地的藝術畫廊展出。至2013年, Little Peggy March 的五十週年紀念演出, 與新舊樂迷共敍一堂, 再把成名歌曲重温一次。

Peggy March - I Will Follow Him (50th Anniversary Recording)

Love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow

I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep me away

I must follow him, ever since he touched my hand I knew
That near him I always must be
And nothing can keep him from me
He is my destiny

I love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
From now until forever, forever, forever

I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away
Away from my love

I love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
He'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
From now until forever, forever, forever

I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep, keep me away
Away from my love

Do-do do-do-do do-do-do and where he goes
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
I know I'll always love him