February 8, 2015

MY PRAYER《我 的 禱 告》- Valentine's Day Blessings

MY PRAYER - Devotion
每年的二月十四日是 "情人節 Valentine's Day", 它的起源在本文並不作引述。在今天的商業社會, 已把這節日推動到消費的層面上, 甚麼的燭光晚餐, 各式花朿禮品, 一些商品廣告加上愛情歌曲, 更不絕於視像媒介中。

"情人節" 跟 "父親、母親節" 是不能相提並論, 父母子女的關係是與生俱來。二十一世紀的今天, 相信不再有媒妁婚姻了, 而男女相悦至結合的 "永結同心 Everlasting Love" 要經考驗才可臻完美; 至於仍沒有另一半的單身男女, 感情的機遇是長在的, 視乎你用甚麼態度來看待了。但願 .... 天長地久, 不要 ..... !

《My Prayer》一首向天主禱告的歌曲, 願主給予仍未出現的挚愛, 讓她得到照顧與祝禱, 歌曲雖然是出自男孩, 但歌詞裡的祈願是無分男女, 衹要略加修改便有不同的演譯。

歌曲先以輕柔的鋼琴作引子, 跟着一段像教堂內, 跪地閉目, 雙手緊握, 默默低聲的禱告, 其獨白背後的琴聲, 至全曲献給一位不存在的愛人所祝願; 其温柔且真摯的歌聲, 每句歌詞如詩般感人, 和清晰優美的鋼琴, 譜出三者合一的作品; 藉着 "情人節" 來臨, 此刻, 以一首 "柏拉圖" 式的愛情歌曲, 献給仍在尋覓另一半的男女, 祝願你們 ....

MY PRAYER - Devotion 
Dear God,
I know that she's out there...the one I'm suppose to share my whole life with
And in time...you'll show her to me
Will you take care of her, comfort her, and protect her...until that day we meet
And let her know...my heart...is beating with hers

In a dream I hold you close
Embracing you with my hands
You gazed at me with eyes full of love
And made me understand

That I was meant to share it with you
My heart my mind my soul
Then I open my eyes
And all I see reality shows I'm alone

But I know someday that you'll be by my side
Cause I know god's just waiting till the time is right

God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day's cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
God will you let her know that I love her so
When there's no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers

So I prayed until that day (prayed until that day)
When our hearts will beat as one (when our hearts hearts will beat as one)
I will wait so patiently (patiently)
For that day to come (for that day to come)

I know someday that you'll be by my side
Cause I know god's just waiting till the time is right

God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day's cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way (shine he the way)
God will you let her know that I love her so
When there's no one there that she's' not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers

Is beating with hers (ooo)
My heart is beating with hers (oooo)
It's beating with hers

God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day's cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
God will you let her know that I love her so
When there's no one there that she's not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers

Oh .... it's beating with hers
(it's beating with yours)

五人組合樂隊, 成立於1997年, 美國加州 "橙郡 Orange County", 五人均是菲律賓裔的年青人; Richmond Andal, John-Paul Riturban, Eric Cruz, Rodney Hidalgo 和 Ian Pesigan。2000年二月, 樂隊的第一張專輯《Image Of Devotion》, "My Prayer" 亦是當中歌曲之一; 及後樂隊首次的 "Image of Devotion" 之旅, 始於聖地牙哥、洛杉磯、西雅圖、三藩市、多倫多、芝加哥、纽约、休斯敦和拉斯维加斯等地巡回演出。

2003年再有另一專輯 "Devotion", 十四首歌曲當中, 有十二首是他們的創作歌曲, 特别是 "So Wonderful" 一曲極受歡迎, 被收錄在菲律賓本土的電影 "Walang Kapalit"- (英譯 No Replacement) 作電影音樂。自此, 他們晋身為美國三大亞裔樂隊之一, 其中两隊是 "Kai" 與及 "One Voice"。

"DEVOTION"- photo cited: http://devotionmusic.blogspot.hk/