June 1, 2015

HANK WILLIAMS - 4/3 : The Biography


Fred Rose 和一眾友人經謹慎决定和給他鼓勵後, 令他再次重上音樂台, 先在 Los Angeles 洛杉磯 Shreveport KWKH 電台的星期六群星大滙演, 繼而八月在路易斯安那 Louisiana Hayride 演出。此刻他的歌曲衹有 "I'm A Long Gone Daddy" 在流行榜上登第六位, 其餘的四首則不能入榜內的位置, 甚至在東岸的電台週末音樂節目, 他的歌曲播放率亦開始下降。


事業 與 愛情
他看似江郎才盡, 還是要以另類創作來扭轉頹勢?  他决定再下苦功, 化名 "Luke the Drifter", 以福音歌曲為主題, 深入研究有關死亡、命運和人際關係的闡釋。此時, 他感到與妻子 Audrey 的感情又變得沉寂下來; 這可從他的幾首歌曲 "You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)", "Why Don't You Love Me" 和一曲悲凉的 "Cold, Cold Heart" 可洞悉他的內心世界, 他並沒有隱藏和不作解釋, 所有他的感受和悲傷, 全表露無遺在他的歌曲中。1952年初, Audrey 決意跟他離婚, 引至他更快步向崩潰的邊緣。

酒精 和 药物 
1952年十二月底, 把兒子交托給住在 Montgomery 的母親; 繼而又再婚, 新娘是年輕的 Billie Jean Jones, 两人並遷往 West Virginia 的 Charlestown。

天生的脊柱裂痛症, 對原用的药物亦感無助, 開始以嗎啡和酒精作心身的麻醉; 在這狀態下, 各樣演出工作亦要取消, 甚至與 Billie Jean 新婚衹不過幾星期, 感情亦急轉冷淡, 雖同處一屋, 但有如陌路人。

1953年元旦晚上, 他的司機載他返回 West Virginia, 途至橡樹山 Oak Hill, 發現他躺在坐駕的 Cadillac 後座, 奄奄一息, 神色有異, 經搶救至翌晨不治。遺作 "I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive" 一曲成讖, 終年三十歲。 
離世後一年間, 仍有三首他的歌曲能夠登上流行榜首; 及後, 他的歌聲在樂壇漸見沉寂下來。一個來自亞拉巴馬州 Alabama 的青年, 他短暫和脆弱的一生, 僅僅是個傳奇人物, 還是在他的生命終結前, 把鄉謠音樂改變為一鼓熱流, 之後成了他的音樂遺產和基石?  從此, 他的作品亦給很多歌手, 如 Perry Como, Dinah Washington, Norah Jones, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles 等重新翻唱, 旦願他的歌曲和作品能在流行樂壇延續下去 ....
Next .... The Hank Williams Story

 一 曲 成 讖
Now you're lookin' at a man that's gettin' kind a mad
I had lots of luck but it's all been bad
No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world a live.

My fishin' pole's broke the creek is full of sand
My woman run away with another man
No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive.

A distant uncle passed away and left me quite a batch
And I was livin' high until that fatal day
A lawyer proved I wasn't born
I was only hatched.

Ev'rything's agin' me and it's got me down
If I jumped in the river I would prob'ly drown
No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive.

These shabby shoes I'm wearin' all the time
Are full of holes and nails
And brother if I stepped on a worn out dime
I bet a nickel I could tell you if it was heads or tails.

I'm not gonna worry wrinkles in my brow
'Cause nothin's ever gonna be alright now
No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive.

I could buy a Sunday suit and it would leave me broke
If it had two pair of pants I would burn the coat
No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive.

If it was rainin' gold I wouldn't stand a chance
I wouldn't have a pocket in my patched up pants
No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive.