June 6, 2015

JOHNNY ACE - 4/2 : The Legend

John Marshall Alexander, Jr. 1929-1954
生於美國 Tennessee 田納西州 Memphis 曼菲斯, 一個有宗教信仰的家庭, 父母管教嚴厲; Johnny 生性害羞, 自幼埋首於鋼琴, 五歲開始喜愛 "Blues 藍調" 音樂, 由於父親是個牧師, 不准他彈奏這類音樂。

一個單獨留在家中的男孩, 坐下來面對着琴鍵, 把曾聽過藍調鋼琴手如 James P. Johnson 和 Fat Waller 的樂曲, 不知不覺又即興的彈奏起來, 這時的 Johnny 已顯出有音樂演藝的天份。

自高中輟學, 韓戰時期在海軍的短暫服役; 之後, 在曼菲斯市一所酒吧的樂隊 "Adolph Duncan's Band" 任鋼琴手, 後來另加入樂隊 "Beale Streeters"; 隊中有日後的 "藍調王者 B.B. King", Bobby "Blue" Bland, 新成員的 Johnny, 早在十六歲已經貴為人父; 加入樂隊後, 更把母子兩人放諸其工作之後, 獨居於小旅館, 每晚過其混混沌沌的生活。

1952年, 得到當地一位唱片騎師, 又是 Duke Records 的老闆 David Mattis 賞識, 給他第一張個人單曲唱片錄音, 改以藝名 "Johnny Ace" 和一首全新歌曲 "My Song" 的錄音。

David Mattis 果然是個有慧眼的伯樂, "My Song" 直闖美國 R&B Chart 首位; 其後的两年間, 共有八首名曲出現, 當中有 "Never Let Me Go", "Please Forgive Me", "Saving My Love For You" 等。1954年, 衹两年間, Johnny Ace 的大名經全國電台的民意調查, 成為最多被電台 DJ 選播的歌手之一。


MY SONG - Johnny Ace
You told me,
That you would leave me here in tears.
But now you're gone,
And hours seem like years.
So, darling, I sing my song.

You're leaving,
Makes my heart beat low and slow.
Now I'm wondering where did you go?
Please tell me what is wrong.

I still love you.
Won't you please come back to me?
Come back where you oughtta be.
Don't stay from me.
'Cause you'll always be my own.
We'll be together for eternity.

You told me,
That you would leave me here in tears.
Now you're gone,
And hours seem like years.
So, darling, I sing my song.

I still love you.
Won't you please come back to me?
Come back where you oughtta be.
Don't stay from me.
'Cause you'll always be my own.
We'll be together for eternity.

You told me,
That you would leave me here in tears.
Now you're gone,
And hours seem like years.
So, darling, I sing my song.

NEVER LET ME GO - Johnny Ace

NEXT .... Pledging My Love