July 25, 2015

ERIC CLAPTON - 5/2 : 愛 情 道 路

苦戀 : "LAYLA"
1970年, Eric Clapton 是成員之一的樂隊 "Derek and The Dominos" 發行的專輯唱片 "Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs", 從名字中可知全是愛情歌曲, 全套黑膠唱片两張, 共有14首歌曲;  主題歌曲 "Layla" 是 Clapton 與樂隊鼓手/鋼琴手 Jim Gordon 的作品, 所以這專輯亦簡稱為 "LAYLA"。

"LAYLA" 此曲是 Clapton 獻給一位迷戀多時的女子, 她就是已為人妻的 Pattie Boyd, 其丈夫亦是自己的好友 George Harrison, 因此他亦承認這是一段苦戀; 撰寫 "LAYLA" 的靈感是來自一本12世紀, 波斯的詩人 Nezami Ganjavi 作品 "The Story of Layla and Manjun", 內容是描寫一位公主, 因父王把她許配給一個非心愛的男子; 最終, 自己所熱戀的男子卻因此成了"瘋子", 而波斯語的 "Manjun" 是英語的 "Madman"。這首詩對 Clapton 有所啓發, 自覺是反映了他的實況, 從歌詞中可知他當時的感受, 這亦是他開始陷入毒品和酒精的非常時期。

"LAYLA" 這専輯的成績亦不甚理想, 事實上它從未登上英國的流行榜, 因為全曲長達七分鐘, 非大多數電台願意播放作介紹之選。

"LAYLA" - Eric Clapton
What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long.
You know it's just your foolish pride.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

I tried to give you consolation
When your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside down.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

Let's make the best of the situation
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say I'll never find a way
And tell me all my love's in vain.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.


1976年9月一個晚上, Eric Clapton 與 Pattie Boyd 出門參加Paul McCartney 與 Linda 夫婦邀請, 紀念 Buddy Holly 宴會派對; 浪漫的 Eric Clapton 以此曲描繪當晚對 Pattie 的感覺 Pattie Boyd 是 George Harrison 的前妻, Eric 與 George 亦是友好。

George Harrison, Eric Clapton and Me" 
2007年 Pattie Boyd 出版自傳, 文中亦有提及此情景; 不過最令樂迷雀躍的就是1988年, Clapton 出席南非曼德拉 Nelson Mandela 七十歲生日, 在倫敦, 温布 Wembley 球場舉行的祝壽音樂演唱會, Clapton 應邀任 Dire Straits 的客席結他手, 與 Mark Knopfler "Wonderful Tonight" 成為當年一絕 !

此曲收錄在1977年的同名專輯唱片 "Wonderful Tonight", 至今瘋魔世界流行歌曲樂壇, 無可置疑, 它是歐美樂壇日後另一首永恆的 "Golden Oldies"!

"WONDERFUL TONIGHT" Dire Strait & Eric Clapton
It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear.
She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair. 
And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?" 
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."

We go to a party and everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady that's walking around with me. 
And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"
And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."

I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes.
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you.
It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head,

So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed. 
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,
I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight.
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."

愛情的句號 : "OLD LOVE"
Eric Clapton 與 Pattie Boyd 結婚近八年, 亦以離異告終; 1988年, Clapton 一曲 "Old Love" 記錄了两人在愛情上的句號。事實上, Boyd 在愛情路上所帶給 Eric Clapton 甚至與 George Harrison 在歌曲創作的靈感甚多, George 的一曲 "Something", Clapton 的 "Layla" 與 "Wonderful Tonight" 都是永恆的經典!

"Old Love" 這是 Clapton 與美國藍調歌曲音樂家 Robert Cray 共同合作的歌曲, 收錄在一張唱片專輯 "Journeyman" 當中; 這亦是 Clapton 自80年開始, 由沉迷在酒精至成功自拔, 給予樂壇捷報的專輯; 因此, 有多達三十多位樂壇高手友好力助, 專輯於1989年11月成功面世。

2008年12月, Pattie Boyd 接受英國衛報 "The Guardian" 訪問時, 聲稱: "這段關係的結束實在太悲哀, 但是 Eric 這首內容敏感的歌曲, 卻讓我更難過; 我想, 還是沒法回應了!"

Royal Albert Hall 1990 
一位現場的樂迷: "Clapton 演譯此曲的情緒, 尤其是現場演出, 他的心情盡顯在歌聲與結他彈奏中, 令人難忍着淚水, 聽至最後一粒音符消失為止!"

I can feel your body
When I’m lying in bed
There’s too much confusion
Going around through my head

And it makes me so angry
To know that the flame still burns
Why can’t I get over?
When will I ever learn?

Old love, leave me alone
Old love, go on home

I can see your face
But I know that it’s not real
It’s just an illusion
Caused by how I used to feel

And it makes me so angry
To know that the flame will always burn
I’ll never get over
I know now that I’ll never learn

NEXT .... 訣別之痛