August 2, 2015

JOAN BAEZ - 10/5 : Michael New

Joan Baez 的第一個親密男友是來自 Trinidad 千里達, 以奬學金入讀高校的同學 Michael New; 他跟 Joan 同樣是偶而一起上課而已, 两人亦甚多時間在一起, 但 Joan 無法把初綻的歌唱事業與愛情作出均衡, 引至經常有口角; 主因在男友眼中, 是她的歌唱工作, 使兩人的差距漸遠而怨聲載道; 及後, 她亦發現男友開始另又新歡。儘管如此, 雙方的關係仍然保持下去, 直至1960年, 兩人一起搬移到加州之後才結束。

Joan Baez 1979年撰寫, 以初戀男友 Michael New 名字的歌曲 "MICHAEL", 一首回憶在學期間的愛情生活歌曲作品; 歌詞中引用有些人物、和歌曲名字, 是有其相應和暗喻, 相信樂迷亦甚難去理解 Joan Baez 撰詞時的意思, 現衹能找到一些網頁上仍未出現過的線索, 這要給有興趣的樂迷去查究好了。

"MICHAEL" - Joan Baez 1979 (cover version)
In the time spent in the foggy dew 1
With the raven and the dove 2
3 Barefoot she walked the winter streets
In search of her own true love

For she was Mary Hamilton 4
And lover of John Riley 5
And the maid of constant sorrow 6
And the mother of the doomed Geordie 7

One day by the banks of the river
Midst tears and gossamer
Sweet Michael rowed his boat ashore 8
And came to rescue her

And fill thee up my loving cup
Fast and to the brim
How many fair and tender maids 9
Could love as she could then?

For was was likened to Pretty Boy Floyd 10
And also John Riley 5
And a rake and rambling railroad boy 11
And the Silkie of the Sule Skerry 12

And there in the arms of Michael
In their stolen hour 13
Loud rang the bells of Rhymney 14
From the ancient church bell tower

And there in the night with Michael
While he lay fast asleep
She put her head to the window pane
And in the fullness of love did weep

And fill thee up my loving cup
Fast and to the brim
How many fair and tender maids
Will love as she did then?

You've heard of the House of the Rising Sun 15
And what careless love can do
You've heard of the wildwood flower 16
That fades in the morning dew

And of the ship that circles three times round 17
And sinks beneath the sea
You've heard of Barbary Allen 18
And now you've heard of me

So fill thee up my loving cup
Fast and to the brim
How many fair and tender maids
Will ever love again?

(1) In the time spent in the foggy dew
1840年, Ireland 愛爾蘭傳统民歌 :

(2) With the raven and the dove
舊約聖經: Genesis 創世記 8章, 4-6節

(3) Barefoot she walked the winter streets
Joan Baez 初出道時被稱女神 "Barefoot Madonna"

(4) For she was Mary Hamilton
1960年作品 JOAN BAEZ - 3 : 事 業 突 破

(5) And lover of John Riley

(6) And the maid of constant sorrow
Maid of constant sorrow - Judy Collins :

(7) And the mother of the doomed Geordie

(8) Sweet Michael rowed his boat ashore
美國內戰時期, 黑人福音歌曲 Pete Seeger :

(9) How many fair and tender maids
Pete Seeger - "Come All You Fair and Tender Maids" :

(10) For was was likened to Pretty Boy Floyd

(11) And a rake and rambling railroad boy
Joan Baez - Rake And Rambling Boy :

(12) And the Silkie of the Sule Skerry
Joan Baez - Silkie :

(13) In their stolen hour 
1963 Movie :

(14) Loud rang the bells of Rhymney
Pete Seeger - The Bells of Rhymney :

(15) You've heard of the House of the Rising Sun

(16) You've heard of the wildwood flower
The Carter Family - Wildwood Flower :

And of the ship that circles three times round
英國小孩遊戲兒歌 :

(18) You've heard of Barbary Allen
Joan Baez - Barbara Allen :

NEXT ....Bob Dylan