August 3, 2015

JOAN BAEZ - 10/8 : Steve Jobs

STEVE JOBS 1955 - 2011
80年代初, Joan Baez 與蘋果電腦創辦人之一的 Steve Jobs 曾經有很多私人相約。有消息來源稱, Joan 初次與廿幾歲的 Steve 會面時, 她還要妹妹 Mimi 在身邊陪伴着; 及後, 進展至 Steve 有求婚之意時, 唯一考慮是 ....

當年 Joan Baez 的年齡已過四十歲, 两人在生兒育女的問題而卻步。Joan Baez 在1987年她的回憶錄 "And A Voice to Sing With" 提到及確認這事實。2011年, Steve Jobs 逝世的追悼會上, Joan 亦有作追思獻唱。及後, Joan 感性地談到他時稱; 即使這段感情已告結束, 两人仍以朋友繼續交往, 而 Steve 去世前不久, 仍有到訪與她見面, 並指出: 「雖然眾所皆知 Steve 是個飄忽不定的人; 不過, 亦有他可愛的一面」

及後, Joan Baez 與母親同住在加州 California, Woodside 至2013年母親100歲辭世; 她自居一屋, 後園還有樹屋給她寫作和冥想的地方, 又可接近大自然的園林環境。Joan Baez 在2009年的 "American Masters" 記錄片中提到, 自從妹妹 Mimi 2001年去世後, 已開始和姐姐 Pauline 有更多相互照顧的曰子。至今, 她的兒子 Gabriel 是一名鼓手, 有時在母親的表演場合以鼓手出現, 樂迷再要搜尋一下好了!

又一首 Bob Dylan 至今仍使樂迷不停探索其歌詞所隱喻的歌曲 "Farewell Angelina" 幸好仍找到的版本是 Joan Baez 與兒子 Gabriel Harris, 孫女 Jasmine 在一個名為 "KIDZSTOCK" 音樂會現場錄音, 效果較遜之外, 卻是難得的三代同台演出 ....

"Farewell Angelina" - Joan Baez and Jasmine Harris, Gabe Harris at Kidzstock June 19, 2010

Farewell Angelina the bells on the crown
Are being stolen by bandits, I must follow the sound
The triangle tingles, the music plays slow
But farewell Angelina, the night is on fire and I must go

There is use in talking and there's no need for blame
There is nothing to prove, everything still is the same
A table stands empty by the edge of the stream
But farewell Angelina, the sky is changing colors and I must leave

The jacks and the queens, they forsake the courtyard
Fifty-two gypsies now file past the guard
In the space where the deuce and the ace once ran wild
Farewell Angelina, the sky is folding, I'll see you after a while

See the cross eyed pirates sit perched in the sun
Shooting tin cans with a sawed off shot gun
And the corporals and the neighbors clap and cheer with each blast
But farewell Angelina, the sky is trembling and I must leave fast

King Kong, little elves and the roof-tops they dance
Valentino-type tangos while the heroes clean hands
Shut the eyes of the dead, not to embarrass anyone
Farewell Angelina, the sky is flooding over and I must be gone

Bob Dylan Version:
The camouflaged parrot, he flutters from fear
When something he doesn't know about suddenly appears
What cannot be imitated perfect must die
Farewell Angelina, the sky is flooding over and I must go where it is dry

Machine guns are roaring, the puppets heave rocks
At misunderstood visions and at the faces of clocks
Call me any name you like, I will never deny it
But farewell Angelina, the sky is erupting and I must go where it is quiet

"Farewell Angelina"
60年代中期 Bob Dylan 一首反戰歌曲作品, 給予 Joan Baez 演譯, 收錄在同名專輯 "Farewell Angelina"; 之後, Bob Dylan 亦衹演譯過一次, 准備收錄在他的專輯 "Bring it All Back Home", 但不知何故, 雖然已有錄音, 仍然把它放棄。

"Farewell Angelina" 成為 Joan Baez 演唱會的特定歌曲之一, 衹有兩次被收錄在八十年代她的演唱會專輯當中。之後有其他歌手或樂隊的錄音版本; 而德文 "Schlaf ein, Angelina" 和法文版本 "Adieu Angélina" 則由 Nana Mouskouri 演譯。

九十年代初 Jeff Buckey & Gary Lucas 以無源 unplug 樂器伴奏版本較稀有之外, 原作者 Bob Dylan 的版本, 衹可以在1991年錄音的 "1961-1991 盗版系列 Vol. 1-3" 出現過, 可算是他的稀有【盗版】錄音之一。

Nana Mouskouri - Adieu Angélina

Jeff Buckley and Gary Lucas - Farewell Angelina

NEXT .... Diamonds & Rust