September 6, 2015

LINDA SCOTT - 2/2 : Signature Song

"I've Told Ev'ry Little Star" 
一首至今仍然令樂迷難忘的經典, 它亦可算是 Linda Scott 的 "Signature Song 招牌歌曲" 之一, 但是原創作品和在她之前的不同版本卻很少被關注 ....

原創作是出自1932年音樂劇, 作曲是 "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" 的 Jerome Kern; 並由大名鼎鼎的 Oscar Hammerstein II 撰詞, 他的作品有: "The Sound Of Music", "Oklahoma !", "South Pacific", "The King and I" 與及 "Show Boat" 等。

"Music In The Air" 劇情是講述發生在20世紀30年代德國, 巴伐利亞 Bavaria 小鎮 Edendorff, 一位音樂教師的女兒, 戀上與父親同校的校長; 父親要把樂譜交付女兒與校長, 前往 Munich 慕尼黑處理出版; 在當地, 两人同牽連入一位劇作家和女藝人的愛情當中。經歴過這次感情交錯, 糾纏不清的男女私情之後, 兩人均上了人生寶貴的一課。

Jack Denny & his Orchestra - "I've Told Ev'ry Little Star" (1932)

Mary Ellis - "I've Told Ev'ry Little Star" (1933)
I make up things to say on my way to you
On my way to you I find things to say

I can write poems, too, when you're far away
When you're far away, I write poems, too

But when you are near, my throat goes dry
When you are near, I only sigh, oh dear

I've told ev'ry little star
Just how sweet I think you are
Why haven't I told you

I've told ripples in a brook
Made my heart an open book
Why haven't I told you

Friends ask me am I in love
I always answer "Yes"
Might as well confess
If I don't, they guess

Maybe you may know it, too
Oh, my darling, if you do
Why haven't you told me, dear
Why haven't you told me


Mario Lanza - I've Told Every Little Star

"Music In The Air 仙樂飄飄" (港譯)
這部音樂劇的故事, 更於兩年後1934年拍成電影, 此曲由 Gloria Swanson 主唱。電影面世後; 有一天, Jerome Kern 在無意中聽到一種鳥鳴叫聲, 他請教鳥類學家朋友之後, 把雀鳥由響亮至漸弱的叫聲套用在此曲, 像每一顆小星星漸行漸遠至消失的景象; 此編曲的改變, 開始應用於其他歌手, 甚至爵士樂手或純音樂的演譯。

劇中故事發生在歐洲, 原曲名 "I've Told Every Little Star" 當中的 "Every" 是正統英文的寫法; 至二次世界大戰前後, 在反納粹德國的情況下, Oscar Hammerstein II 要便於以後的演出, 把音樂劇的故事場景, 從原來德國慕尼克 Munich 改為發生在瑞士蘇黎世 Zurich; 更把曲名用美國文化方式寫讀法, 把 "Every" 改為 "Ev'ry" 以迎國情至今。

六十年代的 Linda Scott 在樂壇出現, 為配合少女的輕快活潑唱法, Jerome Kern 給她另一方式演譯, 開始時的音樂以 Dum-da-dum-da-dum, da-da-da-da-da-da-das 跟序曲唱出, 把原曲由保守變成嶄新的演譯; Linda Scott 活潑少女的演譯, 把前者的古典版本盡淹, 不少年輕甚至年長的樂迷, 卻把之前的歌手忘掉了!

I've Told Ev'ry Little Star - Diana Panton - 2007

Annie Ross
Bing Crosby
Brad Mehldau
Cannonball Adderley (1959)
Dave McKenna
Diaba Panton (2007)
Dorothy Kirsten
Drifters (Sweden)
Eddy Duchin
Ferrante & Teicher
George Feyer
Henry Hall & the BBC Dance Orchestra
Hugo Winterhalter
Irene Dunne
Jack Denny and His Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra (1932)
Jamey Aebersold
Jessica Andersson
Joan Morris
Jonathan Schwartz
Kenny Drew
Linda Scott (1961)
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Margaret Whiting
Marian McPartland - At The Hickory House (2009)
Mario Lanza
Marion Marlowe
Mary Ellis (1933)
Michael Ballam
Misha Mengelberg
Pat Boone
Peggy King
Percy Faith
Ray Conniff
Sonny Rollins
Stanley Black
The Blenders
The Melachrino Strings