March 8, 2016

SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME - 3/3 : Answer Song 中詞西曲

Doc Pomus 1925-1991
與 Willi Burke 婚後育有一女兒; 至六十年代中期, 婚姻破裂至離婚告終。1991年三月十四日, Doc Pomus 患上肺癌, 病逝紐約 Manhattan 曼克頓 NYU Medical Center, 终年六十六歲。
葬禮儀式出現一位稀客 ....

他要前赴追悼之外, 亦為了一圓 Doc Pomus 的遺願, 就是在樂壇消聲匿跡的 ...

JIMMY SCOTT  "Someone to watch over me"

Doc Pomus 一生所創作的歌曲作品不少, 更被美國樂壇封為 "Song Writers Hall of Fame" 與及 "Rock & Roll Hall of Fame" 名人殿堂的音樂人。

一首1960年的作品面世至今, 原唱的組合 "The Drifters" 被大多數樂迷所認同之外, 不同的翻唱版本甚多, 由六十年代的 "The Beatles" 至今, 不少新晋歌手亦有創新的演譯; 但是, 一些較少被樂迷關注的【男子漢】卻有他們柔情的一面。

Bruce Springsteen: "Save the last dance for me" .... 2014
You can dance, ev'ry dance with the guy who gives you the eye,
let him hold you tight
You can smile, ev'ry smile for the man who held your hand 'neath the pale moonlight
But don't forget who's taking you home and in whose arms you're gonna be
And darlin', save the last dance for me mmmm

I know, will let that the music's fine like sparkling wine go and have your fun
Laugh and sing, but while we're apart don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's taking you home and in whose arms you're gonna be
Oh darlin', save the last dance for me mmmm
..... 原來 Bruce Springsteen 是給所有媽媽 ! 

Die Hard Bruce Willis: "Save the last dance for me"..... 虎胆龍威, 鐵漢柔情 ? 

Michael Bublé : "Save the last dance for me" .....  
Michael, 很多 Last dance 在等着你呀!

女士專用, 温馨提示版 ANSWER SONG:
衹要給輕柔細語, 甜蜜一聲: "親愛的, I'll save the last dance for you .....

Damita Jo: "I'll save the last dance for you" - 1960
If I dance ev'ry dance with the guys who give me the eye
And let 'em hold me tight
Please don't mind, if I smile at the man who holds my hand
'neath the pale moonlight

I won't forget who's takin' me home and you should remember too
That I'm savin' the last dance for you
Mm I know (oh I know) that the music's (yes I know) fine
Like sparklin' (oh I know) wine but my mind's (yes I know) on you (oh I know)

I can tell (yes I know) by the way (oh I know) you look (yes I know) at me
That you're thinking, too (oh I know) (yes I know)
I won't forget that you're taking me home when the night is through
So I'm savin' the last dance for you
Baby, don't you know I love you so?
Can't you feel it when we touch?
I will never, ever let you go
I love you oh so much
It's my dance (you can dance) and I'll carry (you can dance) on
Until the night (you can dance) is gone and it's just for fun (you can dance)
And you know (you can dance) when it's time (you can dance) to go
You'll be (you can dance) the one to take (you can dance) me home (you can dance)
Don't want to give my goodnight kiss to anyone but you
So I'm savin' the last dance for you
Don't want to give my goodnight kiss to anyone but you
So I'm savin' the last dance for you

中 詞 西 曲:


別把我忘記 : 舒雲