May 6, 2016

MOTHER'S DAY - "The Mom Song" & "The Child Song"《母愛頌 + 兒女頌》

《母 親 節》THANK YOU MOM !
為何要在這節日才對母親感恩呢? 雖然有不少為人子女, 總覺得母親嚕嚕囌囌, 嫌她問長問短而感煩擾; 今天, 已為人父母的又有何感受呢? 一首幾分鐘的歌曲, 歌者以極速的唱法, 藉着《母親節》給樂迷一些為人子女時的回憶。但願每天均是母親節, 把母親嚕嚕囌囌的關愛, 作為美好的頌歌吧 !

"William Tell Momisms" - The Mon Song
原曲是取自意大利作曲家 Gioachino Rossini 1829年的作品 "The William Tell Overture"- Final 終結篇樂章, 這是大多數樂迷聽過的樂曲, 在此不作介紹; 香港的馬迷大眾對此樂曲是不會忘記。至今, 播放賽馬的 "亞洲電視台 ATV" 因經營不善亦已倒閉, 而一曲『馬照跑』是香港馬迷賭仔的寫照, 成了坊間通俗的歌曲, 音樂是出自這古典樂章, 演譯這首『中詞西曲』的歌者, 是被受非議的人物之一, 他的奇裝異服, 外表看似十六, 實則六十有餘, 口出狂言, 以譁眾取寵的『偽人』, 在此不屑把他的歌曲登出。

"THE MOM SONG"《母 愛 頌》
英語歌詞是 Anita Renfroe 2007年撰寫的作品, 由她親自演譯的諧趣歌曲, 拙筆以香港人本土的粵語中文把它意譯過來, 使它更加意會傳神, 在此對非香港粵語的歌迷至歉 !

Anita Renfroe
美國 Georgia 僑治亞州 Atlanta 亞特蘭大, 一位基督教會以風趣見稱的歌手、三個子女的母親, 丈夫是浸信會牧師。Anita Renfroe 亦担任美國 ABC 電台極受歡迎 "美國早晨 Good Morning America" 的節目主持之一。

Anita Renfroe :
"整天二十四小時要花時間教導兒女, 還是把他們認為嚕嚕囌囌日哦夜哦濃縮成三分鐘歌曲"The Mom Song"《母愛頌》, 唱給他們是最好不過 !"

Anita Renfroe - "William Tell Momisms" 
Lyric : Anita Renfroe
Get up now, get up now, get up out of bed
Wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your sleepy head
Here’s your clothes and your shoes, hear the words I said
Get up now, get up and make your bed
嗱嗱臨, 嗱嗱臨, 嗱嗱臨彈起身
刷完牙, 洗過面, 梳好你個頭
換過衫, 著定鞋, 唔好要我忟
起咗身! 立刻執好舖床

Are you hot, are you cold, are you wearing that ?
Where’s your books and your lunch and your homework at ?
Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat
Don’t forget, you’ve gotta feed the cat
唔知冷, 唔知熱, 因乜事幹著成咁?
執書包, 帶飯盒, 有冇拎齊功課同作文 ?
著校褸又戴埋帽, 着手襪再攬頸巾
耍記住, 仲有隻貓仔嘅早餐係咁等

Eat your breakfast, the experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall
Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today
Don’t forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play
Don’t shovel, chew slowly, but hurry, the bus is here
Be careful, come back here, did you wash behind your ears?
食早餐, 網上專家都話要緊
維他命, 跟手吞埋就更醒神
記住下晝三點去 check 吓柵牙
唔好摷, 慢慢𡁻, 爽啲手, 唔好要校巴司機响處等
返屋企, 過馬路, 要留神, 仲有你對耳背有冇洗勻?

Play outside, don’t play rough, would you just play fair ?
Be polite, make a friend, don’t forget to share
Work it out, wait your turn, never take a dare
Get along, don’t make me come down there
Wet 時 wet, 揾時揾, 做人要均真
交朋結友講良心, 有好嘢, 大家 share, 大家分
出得嚟行, 預咗要還, 記住咪貪心
埋錯堆, 識錯人, 唔好要我煩

Clean your room, fold your clothes, put your stuff away
Make your bed, do it now, do we have all day ?
Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay ?
Can you even hear a word I say ?
執好間房, 擺好啲嘢, 摺好啲 undies 同衫裙
舖好張床, 唔好再等, 做乜响處兩頭騰 ?
你個竇似瘋人院 ? 或似四川大地震 ?
咪以為詐聾扮懵, 吞朴遊魂 ?

Answer the phone, Get off the phone
Don’t sit so close, turn it down, no texting at the table
No more computer time tonight
Your ipod’s my ipod if you don’t listen up
電話傾完仲 Whatsapp
死晤斷氣快熄機, 坐埋一邊好收嗲
想用我部 ipod 諗都唔使諗

Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming home ?
Saying thank you, please, excuse me, makes you welcome everywhere you roam
You’ll appreciate my wisdom someday when you’re older and you’re grown
Can’t wait til you have a couple little children of your own
You’ll thank me for the council I gave you so willingly
But right now I thank you not to roll your eyes at me
出去蒲, 四圍趁, 有冇識得番嚟瞓?
唔該前, 唔該後, Sa 個冧, 四圍唔會畀人噴
第日做咗大個人, 你就唔會話我長氣夾吟沉
好命做埋人父母, 生埋兩件你就知道係老襯
家吓你冇眼掘掘, 我已經好開心

Close your mouth when you chew, we’d appreciate
Take a bite, maybe two, of the stuff you hate
Use your fork, do not burp or I’ll set you straight
Eat the food I put upon your plate
吔嘢識得合埋嘴, 我宜得去還神
就算唔好食, 都要咬兩啖
打嘶噎, 係冇衣食, 揸好雙筷, 唔使 Short 多兩吓先至識
夾啲乜嘢畀過你, 冇得耍手擰頭話唔食

Get an A, get in the door, don’t be smart with me
Get a grip, get in here on count to three
Get a job, Get a life, get a PhD, get a dose of
I don’t care who started it
You’re grounded until you’re 36
Get your story straight and tell the truth for once for heaven sake
咪懶醒, 叻嘅就攞個 A
有本事, 三扒兩撥考番個 Phd.
搵份好工賺多個錢, 起碼都似樣啲
就算你三張幾, 我生得你出就打得你
做人要老實, 千祈唔好揾笨實, 因為上天會𥄫實

And, if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump too ?
If I’ve said once I’ve said it at least a thousand times before
That you’re too old to act this way
It must be your father’s DNA
如果你班 friend 去死, 你又話去咯喎?
同你講到口都臭, 烚吓烚吓都烚到夠

Look at me when I am talking, stand up straighter when you walk
A place for everything, and everything must be in place
Stop crying or I’ll give you something real to cry about
同你講嘢要望住我, 做錯要認, 打要企定
鬼叫你投錯胎, 你估係齊昕、頌昕、同埋家誠?
你再嘈, 係咪要我抦你一鑊勁

Oh! Brush your teeth, wash your face, get your pj’s on
Get in bed, get a hug, say a prayer with Mom
Don’t forget I love you (kiss)
And tomorrow we will do this all again
Because a Mom's work never ends
哼! 刷完牙, 洗個面, 換番套衣服
躪上床, 祈完禱, 先至好發夢
要記住, 完全為你好 (嘴番啖) !
為人母親, 懷胎十月又眠乾睡濕
養兒育女, 牽腸掛肚要閉翳一生

You don’t need the reason why
Because, Because, Because, Because
I said so, I said so, I said so, I said so !
I’m the Mom, the Mom, the Mom, the Mom, the Mom !
Ta-Da !
因為, 因為, 因為, 就因為 ...
我話嘅, 我話晒事, 我話至啱 !
我係媽咪, 係 ... 阿媽, 係 ... 娘親, 係 ... 你老母 !
知 ... 冇!!
感謝媽媽的《母愛頌》之餘, 今天仍有不少子女「頂心頂肺,《兒女頌》一曲「駁口駁舌!

The Child Song (Answer to the Mom Song)  
Lyric & Voice : Elvira Gallego
Let me stay, let me stay in bed a little more
Wait a sec, wait a sec, hey don't slam the door!
Here're my shoes and my clothes, yes, I heard your words
Leave my room, I shall get dressed alone! 
太眼瞓, 太眼瞓, 瞓夠就會起身
等一陣, 等多陣, 唔好呯呤嘭
聽你話, 衣服鞋襪準備晒
返出去, 閂埋門畀我換衫

I'm not hot, I'm not cold, yes, I'm wearing that
Here are my books and my lunch, but, what homework, mum?
I'll get my coat and gloves, not that silly hat
I won't forget I gotta feed the cat
我知冷, 我知熱, 知道着乜嘢衫
帶齊書本同午餐, 媽 ! 交乜功課呀 ?
着咗褸, 戴手襪, 頂帽早掉埋
實記得, 服侍貓仔我做慣

I know breakfast is very important, you repeat that every single day
I take so many vitamins I'll end up playing in the NBA
I bet having some nice free time will be what I will finally forget
I remember my piano lessons, but again, when you want me to play?
Too fast or too slowly, come on mum, you're stressing me
Don't make me go back in, otherwise the bus I'll miss
食早餐, 唔使提, 實唔會走雞
維他命, 為打NBA, 絕冇得剩低
開心得閒忘晒形, 不過容易冇記性
記得幾時去學琴, 要你通知我一聲 ?
快又嘈, 慢又催, 阿媽! 你搞到我兩頭騰
唔好令我失晒魂, 巴士走雞確頭痕

I play outside, I don't play rough, I never play unfair
I make thousands of friends and I always share
Mum, you scare me so much I would never dare
In a mo' I'll be right up there
外面蒲, 講公道, 唔會好鑑粗
老死朋友一大班, 有好嘢會一齊嘆
阿媽! 你唔使憂, 唔使煩

I will soon tidy up the pile on my bed
I'm just saying bye bye to my facebook friends
Give me one, give me two, give me three more secs
It'll be done before you might expect
等埋臉書朋友嗰聲 BYE
等一等, 等多一陣, 等多三幾分
做妥之後你都話 well done

No way! I won't get off the phone !
I'm in the middle of a very important conversation
What wrong am I doing in the chat ?
Hey, don't take my ipod, I am listening up
唔好啩, 冇得煲粥 !
緊要事, 仲有排嗲
太長氣, 有乜唔妥 ?
做乜搞搞震, ipod 我仲用緊

Well I'm going out with some friends, I don't know where, but that won't take long
I say thank you, please, excuse, I am welcome everywhere I go
I'll appreciate your wisdom someday when I'm older and I'm grown
I can't wait till I'm independent living somewhere on my own
I'll thank you for the counsel you gave me so willingly
But right now I'll thank you not to throw your spells at me !
約咗班老友, 未知邊度等, 總之好手快
時時賣口乖, 有人愛有車載
等到大個咗, 唔話你咁嚕囌
獨立自主時, 會成家罝居所

多謝你嘅大恩, 將來實做到個有用人
而家求吓你, 唔好搞到我冇晒神

If I keep my mouth closed I may lose my breath
Didn't notice the cold I've just caught today ?
For the next half an hour give me just a break
Why this rush! Are we missing a train ?
要我收晒聲, 叫我點樣揾氣吞
今日唔多妥, 冇留心就咁冷親
唔使忙, 唔使衝, 地鐵每班都係幾分鐘

Come on mum, take it easy and let me live
Get a rest, get a nap, don't count to three
Meanwhile I'll get a shower and watch TV
But, hey! My brother started it !
Why grounded! What's the wrong thing I did ?
I get my story straight, I haven't lied not even once today
娘親你, 請放心
畀我三扒兩撥挨多挨, 瞌番陣
沖完凉, 睇埋電視就會特別精神
嘿 ! 細佬搞搞震 !
錯在乜, 點解我有街唔出得 ?
冇蠱惑, 今日冇大話冇亂噏

And, if all my friends go out tonight, I will go too !
If I've said it once I've said it at least one thousand times before !
I'm acting according to my age
I'm not fifty, haven't you noticed yet ?
今晚啲 friend 出去蒲, 我實行會報到
講過一次, 千次百次都冇用
我唔係細, 知到有乜嘢好做
我唔係老, 做乜你留意唔到 ?

I look at you when you are talking, can't I walk the way I want ?
There's a place for every shout, and every shout must me in place !
Stop making up more reasons just to tell me off out loud !
你講嘢, 我望住你, 唔夠胆, 當耳邊風
叫我嚟, 你喝一聲, 即現形
要我撇, 單一吓眼, 自然醒

Well I'm going to bed, have a good night mum
Thanks for all the advice, also for the cash
Don't forget I love you
But, tomorrow please don't do this all again
Let's all relax, it's Saturday !
我都要瞓覺, 老媽子 ! 你早啲唞
你日哦夜哦唔算多, 不過剩係 MONEY 畀少咗
你都知, 我好𡃶你
聽朝瞓醒覺, 唔使你再煩
週末禮拜六, 我哋一齊嘆 !

And I do need a reason why
Because, because, because, because
I say so, I say so, I say so, I say so !
I'm the child, the child, the child, the child. The child !
Ta-daaaa !
因為, 因為, 因為, 就因為 ....
我講吓 ...我講吓咋 ...我講吓都唔啱 !
我係你 Babe, 係你 ... 兒女, 係你 ... 乖仔 ! 乖女 !
係 .... 囉 ! !