June 9, 2016

HANG ON SLOOPY - 4/1 : Original

"Hang On Sloopy"

原來的名字是 "My Girl Sloopy", 由歌手作曲家 Bert Russell 和唱片監製 Wes Farrell  兩人共同創作; 1964年, 樂隊組合 "The Vibrations" 作首次錄音演譯, 由 Atlantic Records 錄製唱片, 面世後即登上美國 "R&B Chart" 第十位, 和 "U.S. Pop Chart" 榜上第二十六位。

"The Vibrations"
是五十年代, 來自美國加州 Los Angeles 洛杉磯的 R&B 藍調五人組合, 他們把 "My Sloopy Girl" 以拉丁美洲的鼓樂節奏, 和管樂的演譯, 似乎跟不上六十年代樂迷的音樂潮流, 雖然能夠登上 R&B 榜第十位置, 但很快便有新版本出現了 ....

The Vibrations - "My Girl Sloopy"
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy Hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy Hang on

Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town
And all the girls I know they try to put my Sloopy down.
Sloopy I don't care what your daddy do
Don't you know little girl that I'm in love with you.

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on

Sloopy let your hair down
Let it down on me
Hang on Sloopy
Sloopy let your hair down
Girl, let it down on me

Come on Sloopy,
Come on, come on
Come on girl,
Come on, come on
Say yea yea yeah
Good good good good
Good good good good good
I wanna say ahhhhh

A little bit of soul
I want you tell me something
Well don't it make you feel crazy
I wanna say ahhhhh

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on.

1965年五月, 來自加拿大樂隊組合 "Little Caesar & The Consuls" 的版本, 節奏怪異, 不倫不類, 令年青樂迷大失所望 .... 

Little Caesar & the Consuls - (My Girl) Sloopy

兩個月後, 英國樂隊 "The Yardbirds" 的翻唱版本面世, 他們的演譯較迎合當年的樂迷; 不過 "My Girl Sloopy" 並没有在英美流行樂壇熾熱起來。同月, 另一版本卻引起流行樂壇一番哄動 ....

The Yardbirds - My Girl Sloopy

NEXT .... "Hang On Sloopy" - Remade