July 1, 2016


Paris ........ London
一個年青人, 拿着一支木結他, 以搭順風車和唱歌賣藝, 賺來盤川遊歴歐洲, 抵達法國巴黎, 看見這個城市一遍浪漫氣紛, 上層社會的奢華生活背後, 卻有不少潦倒街頭的人, 他們流露着求助的眼神, 過着每天要求存的日子。在那裡認識了幾個流浪者的故事之後, 啟發他要撰寫一首描述這情境的歌曲 "Streets Of Paris"。

"Street of Paris .... London"
Ralph McTell 正要着筆之時, 才知道早於1951年, 在巴黎已經有一首由作曲家 Marguerite Monnot 和撰詞人 René Rouzaud 的作品,  Edith Piaf 主唱的歌曲 "La goualante du pauvre Jean" (The Ballad of Poor John)。

"The Poor People Of Paris"
至1954年, 美國作曲家 Jack Lawrence 把這首法文歌曲撰上英文歌詞, 同年由 Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney 和 Eddie Cochran 的版本在歐美樂壇出現。至1962年由 Dean Martin 演譯, 收錄在他的專輯 "Dean Martin - French Style"。全曲以巴黎的浪漫和現實人境况, 盡在歌詞中顯現出來。

Ralph McTell
自從聽過這首法文與英文版本的歌曲之後, 卻沒有放棄撰寫此曲的意願, 心想這樣陰暗的社會現像, 除了法國巴黎之外, 在任何城市甚至自己國家的倫敦亦會出現, 為了那些無家可歸, 孤獨, 老弱, 被社會忽略和遺忘的一群, 可以用歌曲來引起人們的關注。最後, 還是把此曲完成, 而歌曲名字只不過由原來 Paris 巴黎改以 London 倫敦。此曲亦是任何一個繁華城市背後, 其社會問題的縮影和寫照。

Marguerite Monnot: "La goualante du pauvre Jean" - 1951

Edith Piaf - "La Goualante du Pauvre Jean"

Dean Martin-- "The Poor People of Paris" - 1962
Just got back from Paris, France
All they do is sing and dance
All they got there is romance
What a tragedy

Every boulevard has lovers
Every lover's in a trance
The poor people of Paris

I feel sorry for the French
Every guy has got a wench
Every couple's got a bench
Kissing shamelessly

Night and day they're making music
While they're making love in French
The poor people of Paris

Milk or water from a sink
Make a true Parisian shrink
Wine is all he'll ever drink
And it worries me

For with wine as cheap as water
Oh, it makes one stop and think
The poor people of Paris

Sister Madam Pierre
Had the craziest love affair
And the day they parted there
He cried bitterly

Pierre was there to bid her farewell
But he brought his new girl Claire
The poor people of Paris

So don't go to Paris France
Not unless you like to dance
Not unless you want romance
Like those poor inhabitants of Paris

In the meantime, I got to hurry back there
I think I forgot something

Ralph McTell
原名字 Ralph May, 生於1944年英國倫敦, 兩歲時父親離開家庭, 自此與母親和弟弟一起生活。Ralph 自七歲已顯音樂天份, 由口琴 Harmonica 開始, 四弦琴 Ukulele 至結他 Guitar 均是自學而成, 以 Leadbelly, Woody Guthrie, Blind Boy Fuller, Robert Johnson 為典範和偶像; 及後自組樂隊而踏足樂壇, 他給予七十年代英國的民歌有重大影響。年輕時遊歴歐洲, 認識妻子 Nanna 並育有一兒。

"Streets Of London" 
1968年, Ralph McTell 個人首張專輯 "Eight Frames A Second" 面世, 此曲卻沒有收錄在其中, 他認為這歌曲令人消沉鬱悶, 在當前的境况聽來更倍覺傷感。及後, 經監製 Gus Dudgeon 游說一番之後, 至1969年才收錄在第二張專輯 "Spiral Staircase" 當中。

此曲面世後, 有不同歌手翻唱, 至今已超過二百個版本, 其中有 Sinead O'Connor 1994年演譯與另一曲 "Thank You For Hearing Me" 同收錄在單曲唱片中; 還有 Cliff Richard, Mary Hopkin, Aretha Franklin, Bruce Springsteen, Roger Whittaker 和香港歌神 Sam Hui 許冠傑的版本較常聽到之外, 香港樂迷在 "RTHK香港電台" 的節目 "2000 靚歌再重聚" 的主持人歐瑞强, 常會自彈自唱這歌曲了。1976年, 名撰詞人盧國沾的香港版, 曲目名字 "日日夜夜歲歲年年", 由女歌手廖小旋演繹, 收錄在她的專輯 "愛的奉獻" 當中, 可惜無法找到此曲的視頻, 幸好歌詞仍有音樂資訉平台上載。
作曲:Ralph McTell

日日念念牽牽, 憶起你愛詩篇篇,
字字又句句, 讀了首首心好甜。

日日問問蒼天, 知否我愛心堅堅?
落葉又已片片, 何時能重會見?

懷緬歲歲年年, 深深愛念,
猶日日夜夜天天, 都等到兩心牽牽,
夜夜淚已遍遍, 祈求能重會見。

日日浪碟千千, 都保証愛心堅堅,
日日為了你, 力退苦苦的繞纏。

日日望着燕燕, 知否兩燕飛翩翩?
自問我有愛意, 遲遲難重會見。

懷緬歲歲年年, 深深愛念,
猶日日夜夜天天, 都等到兩心牽牽,
夜夜淚已遍遍, 祈求能重會見。

日日夜夜天天, 天可証愛心堅堅,
落葉又已片片, 落到今天應幾年?

夜夜夢夢牽牽, 知否我愛心堅堅?
落葉又已片片, 年年情義未變。

懷緬歲歲年年, 深深愛念,
猶日日夜夜天天, 都等到兩心牽牽,

日日念念牽牽, 憶起你愛詩篇篇,
字字又句句, 讀了首首心好甜。

日日問問蒼天, 知否我愛心堅堅?
落葉又已片片, 何時能重會見?

懷緬歲歲年年, 深深愛念,
猶日日夜夜天天, 都等到兩心牽牽,
夜夜淚已遍遍, 祈求能重會見。

朱門酒肉臭   路有凍死骨

"STREETS OF LONDON" Ralph McTell - The Story
Have you seen the old man
In the closed-down market
Kicking up the paper,
with his worn out shoes?
In his eyes you see no pride
Hand held loosely at his side
Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
Show you something to make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl
Who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
She's no time for talking,
She just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home in two carrier bags.


In the all night cafe
At a quarter past eleven,
Same old man sitting there on his own
Looking at the world
Over the rim of his teacup,
Each tea lasts an hour
And he wanders home alone


Have you seen the old man
Outside the Seaman's Mission
Memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears
In our winter city,
The rain cries a little pity
For one more forgotten hero
And a world that doesn't care
