January 21, 2017

OBLA DI, OBLA DA - 5/3 : The Marmalade

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"
1968年面世, The Beatles 的單曲細唱片在英、美兩國卻沒有出現, 取而代之是"The Marmalade"樂隊錄製的版本, 這單曲唱片給他們打進 UK Chart 榜首位罝, 亦是首次由一隊來自蘇格蘭 Scotland 格拉斯哥 Glasgow, 登上英倫流行榜的樂隊, 而業界和樂迷均認為應該類别為 UK"Raggae"Chart 歌曲。

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"此曲早於面世之前, The Beatles 的歌曲出版經理 Dick James 有意把這歌曲給予 "The Marmalade" 作單曲唱片印製, 他們的經理人從美國多番發來電報勸阻, 不要演譯 The Beatles 的歌曲, 因為担心相形見絀。最終, 扺不住 Dick James 的賞識和看重, "The Marmalade" 各人在患得患失下接過來試唱, 但從没有想過能夠把它登上榜首。及後, 他們亦沒有收到來自 The Beatles 方面有任何反饋的訉息。

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" - The marmalade 1969

"Savoy Truffle"- George Harrison
Paul McCartney 在他的作品花了不少錄音室的時間,  各不滿的成員當中, George Harrison 的歌曲作品亦被拖延。三個月後, 樂隊的專輯"The White Album"當中一曲"Savoy Truffle", 在歌詞的字裏行間, 可知 George 的心中不快 :

"But what is sweet now, turns so sour
We all know Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
But can you show me, where you are?"

NEXT .... OBLA DI, OBLA DA - 4 : Remade & Cover 中詞西曲

"Savoy Truffle" - George Harrison
Creme tangerine and montelimar
A ginger sling with a pineapple heart
A coffee dessert, yes, you know it's good news
But you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle

Cool cherry cream, nice apple tart
I feel your taste all the time we're apart
Coconut fudge really blows down those blues
But you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle

You might not feel it now
But when the pain cuts through
You're going to know and how
The sweat is going to fill your head
When it becomes too much
You'll shout aloud

But you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle

You know that what you eat you are
But what is sweet now turns so sour
We all know obla-dibla-da
But can you show me where you are?

Creme tangerine and montelimar
A ginger sling with a pineapple heart
A coffee dessert, yes, you know it's good news
But you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle

Yes you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle

NEXT .... OBLA DI, OBLA DA - 4 : Remade & Cover 中詞西曲