March 1, 2018


Christine Lavin
美國紐約市, 一位熱衷現代民歌推廣的女創作歌手, 1990年至1994年間, 與幾位女民歌手組成 "Four Bitchin' Babes"; 1993年的成員包括創作女歌手 Julie Gold, 當年同錄製的專輯唱片 "Buy Me, Bring Me, Take Me, Don't Mess My Hair: Life According to Four Bitchin' Babes - Volume II", 經典歌曲 "From A Distance" 亦收錄在内。

"Caffè Lena" 
一間始於1960年, 位於美國 New York 紐約 Saratoga Springs 的咖啡館, 創辦人 Lena 和 Bill Spencer 夫婦, 兩人稱這是美國一間最古老, 以民歌為主的咖啡館之一, 每天有不同演唱、文化活動和傳統音樂交流之外, 亦是不少創作歌手的摇籃, 和各大知名民歌手的集結場所。Bill Spencer 離世後, 至1989年 Lena 亦告離世; 及後, 咖啡館以非牟利型式繼續營運下去。

生於1952年的 Christine Lavin 在 "Caffè Lena" 任民歌手期間, 認識了 Dave Van Ronk; Christine 得他傳受結他彈奏技巧之外, 並給遊說前去紐約市 New York City 一試機會, 在當地電台 "90.7 WFUV" 任早晨節目主持並開展了她的創作歌手事業。

任電台節目主持, 除了演唱, 亦有 "脫口秀" 以娛聽眾; 藉此, 以幽默感而聞名於電台和表演界, 在她的音樂舞台上常有驚人的表現, 從許多她的歌曲作品當中, 以直率的喜劇手法和浪漫情感之間表達出來。

一張 1984年的個人專輯唱片, 從它的名字、封套設計和選曲, 已展現出 Christine Lavin 的音樂路向和個人獨特風格。

Acoustic Guitar, Vocals – Christine Lavin
Bass, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar and
Synthesizer – Mark Dann
Producer – Christine Lavin
Written By – Christine Lavin

Side A
1. Don't Ever Call Your Sweetheart By His Name
2. Damaged Goods
3. Cold Pizza For Breakfast
4. Rockaway
5. Nobody's Fat In Aspen
6. Rituals7. The Bag Ladies' Ball

Side B
1. Regretting What I Said ....
2. Sweet Irene The Disco Queen
3. Ramblin' Waltz
4. Artificial Means
5. Space Between Rings
6. The Dakota

樂 評 人 語 : 「可能, 這張專輯唱片 "FUTURE FOSSILS" 在一萬年後成為出土文物, 經科學家考究後, 從這幾首歌曲的名字, 會認識到我們曾經活在甚麼的年代:
    "Cold Pizza for Breakfast" 早餐吃凍披薩
    "Sweet Irene The Disco Queen" 女孩成為的士高女皇
    "The Dakota" 公寓門前 John Lennon 被弒, 帶給樂壇的震蕩
    "Artificial Means" 虛偽的手段
也許, 被發現甚麽都不是, 因為 Christine Lavin 本可以寫出較嚴肅和感人的歌曲, 這全是她直率的個性, 有趣和戲謔的創作而已! 」

"Future Fossils 未來的化石
Side B - 1. Regretting What I Said .... 

這首歌曲在流行音樂史上, 有長達九十六個英文詞彙的名字, 數數看!

Song Title: 
"Regretting what I said ....
to you when you called me at eleven o'clock on Friday morning to tell me that 1:00 Friday afternoon you were gonna leave your office, go downstairs, hail a cab, to go out to the airport, to catch a plane, to go skiing in the Alps for two weeks. Not that I wanted to go with you; I wasn't able to leave town, I'm not a very good skier, I couldn't expect you to pay my way, but after going out with you for three years, I don't like surprises."

And it's subtitled "A Musical Apology". 
In this song, I attempt to take back everything I said while standing in a phone booth at the corner of 49th and 3rd.

I didn't mean it when I said I hope
The cable in the elevator snaps when you step on board.
And I was joking when I said I hope you crack your head
And get mangled by the downstairs revolving doors.
And I was kidding when I said I hope the Number one-o-three bus
Hits and makes a pancake out of you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Isn't it amazing what a woman in love will do?

And I really don't want to see your taxi
On the 59th Street Bridge
Flip over and crash through the rail.
And I'd feel bad if at the airport
You were mistaken for a local sex offender,
Arrested, beaten up, and thrown in jail.
And I really don't want to see you getting
Radiation poisoning from the metal detector that all passengers
On foreign and domestic flights must walk through.
I'm sorry, forgive me
For all the mean things I said to you.

You thought I didn't have a temper.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, surprise!
But I really don't want to see you dismembered
By the marijuana sniffing dogs,
When a simple little nipping would suffice, would suffice.

And I'm sorry that I said I hope
The flight attendant spills hot coffee in your lap as the plane
carries you away from me
And I'm sorry that I said
I hope you break both legs
On the mountain while you ski.
And I'm sorry for all the nasty things
I said about your mother
(Even though we both know they're true).
I'm sorry, forgive me,
I'm swallowing my pride,
I'd feel so guilty if you died,
Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm still mad at you.