May 1, 2018

SEND IN THE CLOWNS - 3/3 : 歌 曲

在歌曲中的 "Clowns", 並不是指馬戲團的"小丑", 是象徵著我們 "笨蛋傻瓜", 是人生舞台的角色之一, 亦是我們希望在適當的時候, 有這個"小丑"待着, 隨時被"Send in"進場, 能給予緩和氣紛和解困。

1975年, Judy Collins 把此曲錄製成單曲細唱片, 同時亦收錄在她的專輯唱片"Songs for Judith"當中, 細唱片面世, 很快便登上 "US Billboard Hot 100" 三十六位。

1976年 "Grammy Awards 格林美獎" 當晚, 她亦演唱這首被譽為 "Song of the Year" 的經典 "Send In The Clowns"。最令人觸目的一次演譯, 就是四十年之後, 在一張 2015年九月面世的専輯唱片 "Stranger Again"。

JUDY COLLINS - "Send In The Clowns" with Boston Pops 1976
Isn't it rich? Are we a pair
Me here at last on the ground
You in mid-air
Where are the clowns

Isn't it bliss? Don't you approve
One who keeps tearing around
One who can't move
Where are the clowns, Send in the clowns

Just when I'd stopped opening doors
Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours
Making my entrance again with my usual flair
Sure of my lines, No one is there

Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear
I thought that you'd want what I want, Sorry, my dear
But where are the clowns, Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here

Isn't it rich? Isn't it queer
Losing my timing this late in my career
But where are the clowns
There ought to be clowns
Well, maybe next year

Sarah Vaughan "Send in the Clowns" 1988

葉麗儀 - "Send In The Clowns" - (HKPO & Frances Yip 港樂葉麗儀 DIVA)

Hong Kong:
Send In The Clowns - Frances Yip 葉麗儀 1974
難怪憂傷 : 梅艷芳
豪門怨 : 梅艷芳

Send In The Clowns - Sarah Vaughn  1974

Var är min clown - Frida 1975

Wo sind die Clowns - Zarah Leander 1974
Stunde der Clowns  - David Kaiser 

Faites entrer les clowns - Patricia Kaas  2008

Näytelmä - Carola  1980

Lach het maar weg - Karin Bloemen  2006

Kdybys byl sám - Jitka Zelenková  1979
Snad přijde i klaun - Helena Vondráčková  1993