August 1, 2018

WOULD JESUS WEAR A ROLEX ? - 耶 穌 會 戴 '撈' ?

2018年七月十九日, 星期四 
發展局局長黃偉綸出席一個書展活動, 與學生分享時, 曾引述日本著名作家 - 東野圭吾的一番話:「 罪犯未必係壞人, 犯罪亦都有好多客觀嘅原因, 都好多值得同情嘅地方; 同樣警察都唔一定個個係好人嚟嘅。」
截錄自: 蘋果日報網上版 7/26/2018

罪犯未必係壞人 ....
這幾年, 在香港每天所發生的事, 總離不開與警察有關, 不同因由和結果, 坊間對警察執行任務時, 對付一些所謂壞份子的手法卻令人費解, 有人作出狠批之外, 不同團體有各執一詞的闡釋; 而有一些關於警察在個人生活上的錯失或罪行, 經審訉而被定罪的事件每有發生, 不知有否令警隊蒙羞和汗顏呢? 發展局局長黃偉綸發言後的新聞, 經報章和視訊媒體報導, 很快便引起香港社會一番議論, 有不少人暗裡一笑或冷嘲熱諷, 亦有人鼓噪而作出反彈。黃偉綸局長衹是引述一本書的作者, 對世間的人和事, 應有兩面觀而已。

.... 都唔一定個個係好人
拙筆並沒有宗教信仰, 而普遍香港人對不同宗教, 可算是十分包容和開放的態度。早前有媒介和一位抱打不平的「女俠」披露與及報導某些宗教領袖或高層, 生活奢華, 行為與信仰修行有所差異, 甚至有抵觸等事件; 利用政府所給予的特權, 其信眾或社會團體的捐獻, 部份用在私利和日常生活上, 這類事態早已不是秘密, 香港人衹有無奈或一笑置之外, 唯有作茶餘飯後一談好了。

Link: Youtube Video
尼姑比堅尼露股曬太陽 寶蓮寺高僧蜜遊夏威夷

WOULD JESUS WEAR A ROLEX ? 耶 穌 會 戴 '撈' ?
1978年的作品, 撰詞是英國 University of Warwick 一位社會學系女教授 Margaret Archer, 樂譜是 Chet Atkins 的手筆, 同年交由 Ray Stevens 演繹並收錄在他個人的諧趣歌曲専輯 "Crackin'Up!"; 唱片面世後, 即登上美國鄉謡榜列四十一位, 加拿大鄉謠榜列四十五位; 専輯封套設計是出自 Ray Stevens 的工匠。


"CRACKIN' UP!" Ray Stevens
1. "Would Jesus Wear a Rolex"
2. "Three-Legged Man"
3. "Cool Down Willard"
4. "I'm My Own Grandpaw"
5. "The Ballad of Cactus Pete and Lefty"
6. "Sex Symbols"
7. "Gourmet Restaurant"
8. "The Flies of Texas Are upon You"
9. "Doctor, Doctor (Have Mercy on Me)"
10."The Day That Clancy Drowned"

這首諷刺時弊的歌曲, 是該年代某些傳道人士的寫照, 他們常以耶穌會對你們做些什麼為團敍的主題, 以激情的口才, 牽領着信眾, 鼓勵他們慈善為懷, 慷慨奉獻, 不要與金錢為伍、為奴; 但是, 自己卻從中致富, 滿身金銀珠寶, 衣著趨時, 過着奢華的帝皇式生活。

七十年代, 美國兩位負盛名的佈道家: 五旬節教會大受信眾歡迎的 Jimmy Swaggart 和電視佈道界名人 Jim Bakker。1987年四月, 歌曲面世後, 引來社會一番漣漪, 及後, 更被傳媒揭破了 Jim Bakker 與妓女的性醜聞, 與及挪用教會的資金作投資以謀取私利。經調查、起訴至法庭審訊, 最終弄致身敗名裂, 難逃牢獄之災。事件完結後幾個月, Jimmy Swaggart 接受電视節目主持 Larry King 訪問時說道: "Jim Bakker 可算是耶穌基督體內一顆癌细胞!"

"Would Jesus Wear A Rolex" 
作曲的 Chet Atkins (1924-2001) 是鄉謠結他大師, 又是唱片監製, 他通常不會觸及有爭議的社會話題, 但對貪婪的電視佈道家來說, 卻是例外。

他說: "我認為需要說清楚, 那些傢伙很糟糕, 需要把他們揭露出來"

歌曲完成後, 由於内容是衝着宗教而來, 不是任何歌手敢於演繹, 但是很快給 Ray Stevens 一口答應負責錄音; 當時, 他已是美國鄉謠和流行歌手兼作曲家、喜劇演員。他曾擔任製片人、音樂編曲、電視節目主持; 並入選為 "Nasville Songwriters Hall of Fame 納殊維爾作曲家名人堂", "Georgia Music Hall of Fame 僑治亞音樂名人堂" 和 " Christian Music Hall of Fame 基督教音樂名人堂"。1975年, 以鄉謠節奏翻唱一曲 "Misty" 而登上了美國鄉謠榜第三位。

這首歌曲由諧趣藝人 Ray Stevens 演繹是不作他選的; 他唱出了由一覺醒來, 看到電視節目的宗教佈道家, 身穿昂貴品牌的衣服鞋履, 手腕戴着萬多元的金錶, 以笑臉迎人, 口若懸河, 激昂走向每個信眾面前, 懇求各人奉獻十元八塊, 作為教會的經費。原來真實生活裡, 他卻是....

Performed By: Ray Stevens
Written By: Chet Atkins and Margaret Archer

Woke up this mornin', turned on the TV set 晨早瞓醒, 扭開個電視
That livin' color, was somethin' I can't forget 見到件八彩嘅怪物, 簡直係發噩夢
This man preachin' at me, yeah, layin' on the charm 佢以為魅力沒法擋, 仲同我講耶穌
Askin' me for twenty, with ten-thousand on his arm 戴住隻蛋成皮幾嘢, 想走嚟氹我捐廿皮

He wore designer clothing, and a big smile on his face 成身都係名牌, 加埋笑口噬噬
Sellin' me salvation while they sang 'Amazin' Grace' 唱住"奇妙的恩典", 話要將我救贖
Askin' me for money, he had all the signs of wealth 睇佢嗰個富貴樣, 似係嚟同我講錢啩
I almost wrote a check out, yeah, but then I asked myself 我幾乎落咗搭, 好彩自問夠醒目

Chorus 副歌:
Would He wear a pinky ring? would He drive a fancy car? 佢要戴粉紅鑽, 又要揸靚車?
Would His wife wear furs and diamonds? 佢老婆要鑽介兼皮草?
Would His dressin' room have a star? 成間房要似時裝舖?
He came back tomorrow, 聽朝佢再返嚟,
There's somethin' I'd like to know 有啲嘢我都想知道
Would Jesus wear a Rolex on His television show? 耶穌上電視都會戴'撈'?

Would Jesus be political if He came back to earth? 如果耶穌真係返嚟, 佢又會做政治騒?
Have His second home in Palm Springs 佢會响"棕櫚泉"揾番間渡假屋,
Yeah, but try to hide His worth? 咦, 唔通想收埋啲身家响嗰度?
Take money, from those poor folks, when He comes back again 等佢返嚟, 揾啲窮人嘅着數
And admit He's talked to all those preachers 佢話同班傳道嘅人有偈傾
Who say they been a talkin' to Him? Lord have mercy 咁你哋有邊個同佢傾過? 求主憐憫

Chorus 副歌:
Just ask ya' self, Would He wear a pinky ring? 咁就要問吓你, 佢又要戴粉紅鑽?
Would He drive a fancy car? 佢又要揸靓車?
Would His wife wear furs and diamonds? 佢老婆要鑽介兼皮草?
would His dressing room have a star? 佢間房要似時裝舖?
He came back tomorrow 如果聽朝佢再返嚟,
There's somethin' I'd like to know: 有啲嘢我都想知道:

Could ya tell me, would Jesus wear a Rolex? 你會講俾我知, 耶穌會戴隻'撈'?
Would Jesus wear a Rolex? 耶穌會戴隻'撈'?
Would Jesus wear a Rolex? 耶穌會戴住隻金'撈'?
On His television show-ooh-ooh? 做佢嘅電視騷, 喔! 喔?

I got up this mornin', looked at my T.V. set
There in living color, was a sight I can't forget
This man was preachin' at me, yeah, layin' on the charm
Askin' me for twenty with ten-thousand on his arm

He wore designer clothes and a big smile on his face.
Sellin' me salvation while they sang Amazin' Grace.
Begging me for money when he had all the signs of wealth.
I almost wrote a check out, then I stopped and asked myself

Would Jesus wear a Rolex, would He drive a fancy car?
Would his wife wear furs and diamonds, and his dressing room have a star?
He came back tomorrow, there's something I'd like to know.
Could you tell me would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?

Would Jesus get political if He came back to earth?
Would He have another home in Palm springs; try to hide his worth?
Would He take money from poor folks, when He comes back again?
And would He admit He talked to all those preachers who say they talked to Him?

Would Jesus wear a Rolex, would He drive a fancy car?
Would his wife wear furs and diamonds, and his dressing room have a star?
He came back tomorrow, there's something I'd like to know.
Could you tell me would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?

I got up this morning, looked at my TV screen,
And there in living color was another familiar scene.
Another TV preacher, admitting he'd done wrong.
I scratched my head and wondered... should I write another song?

Would Jesus wear a Rolex, or would He wear a Swatch?
Would He participate, or would He rather watch?
Would He run a man for president, would He pick and choose?
Would He put him through the primaries, just to watch him lose?

Would Jesus wear a Rolex, would He drive a fancy car?
Would his wife wear furs and diamonds, and his dressing room have a star?
He came back tomorrow, there's something I'd like to know.
Could you tell me would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?

Would Jesus wear a Rolex, on His cable T.V. show