January 6, 2018

FRÈRE JACQUES - 4/4 : 無 處 不 在

Multi Media 多 媒 體
這短短八小節的簡單音符, 可說是無處不在, 由音樂盒、搖籃曲、兒歌童謠、影視娛樂、歌曲唱片、商業廣告、戲仿和政治, 至今仍陸續出現。除了較為流行的演譯以外, 樂迷少會留意它曾在不同媒體出現過。

8 9 6 4
一九八九年六月, 北京天安門廣場的學生運動, 群眾以散步型式示威, 並高喊一些政治口號, 當中有些配上這首法國兒歌 "Frère Jacques" 的曲調。可能因為這曲調曾應用在國、共兩黨的革命歌曲當中, 群眾藉此來引發鼓舞和動力。這情景給外國記者發現後才公開, 樂迷要花時間重温一次 8964 的其他視像記錄了!

1966年的歌曲, Paul McCartney 和 John Lennon 兩人的作品, 歌曲的第三段, John Lennon 和 George Harrison 把兒歌 "Frère Jacques" 的調子用作歌曲的和唱部份, 樂迷要細心才聽得到。直至唱片面世後, 他們才透露當時兩人是鬧着玩, 無心插柳而完成這錄音卻不被發覺。


Bill Haley and His Comets 
1958年的專輯 "Rockin' Around The World" 其中一曲 "Vive le Rock'n Roll" 是 Caterina Valente 與 Bill Haley 的樂隊合唱錄音, 曲調是套用了法文兒歌 "Frère Jacques" 來演譯。

1959年, 一齣西德電影 "Hier bin ich - hier bleib ich" ( Here I Am, Here I Stay ), 女主角 Caterina Valente 在影片中與 Bill Haley 的樂隊客串演出這歌曲。

"Vive Le Rock'n Roll" - Bill Haley & The Comet with Caterina Valente

"CORTANA"  Microsoft Window-10 智慧型的數碼服務程式, 給用家不同要求, 把文字輸入搜索框內, 或以說話聲音輸入你要搜尋的資料。如你要求她 "Sing me a song 給我唱首歌", 她的回應極大可能是播出一曲 "FRÈRE JACQUES", "ARE YOU SLEEPING?"

British Military Cadets
英國少年兵團的傳統, 在不同埸合, 把法國兒歌 "Frère Jacques" 換上不同歌詞來演譯。經常以英軍打敗法軍的歌詞, 來嘲弄到訪英國軍事學院的法國少年兵團學員。

Agincourt, Agincourt
Crecy too; Crecy too
Nile and Trafalgar, Nile and Trafalgar
Waterloo. Waterloo.

歌詞以揶揄法軍在幾埸戰事, 包括 "1415 Battle of Agincourt 阿金庫爾戰役", 英國長弓箭手在亨利五世的率領下, 在法國村莊 Agincourt 以少敵眾把法國軍隊擊潰、"1346 Battle of Crécy 克雷西會戰"、"1798 Battle of Nile 尼羅河海戰"、"1805 Battle of Trafalgar 特拉法加海戰"、"1815 Battle of Waterloo 滑鐵盧戰役" 同樣被英軍擊退。

SARAH JACKMAN - Allan Sherman
"Frère Jacques" 的曲調亦被用作戲謔的歌曲; 電視監製, 亦是諧趣劇作家 Allan Sherman 把它撰上歌詞, 揶揄美國猶太人家庭, 日常生活, 電話閒聊的歌曲, 此曲更把 Sherman 帶到諧趣音樂劇舞台事業。

SARAH JACKMAN - Allan Sherman
(Hello?) Is this 418-9749?
Sarah? (Yeah.)

Sarah Jackman, Sarah Jackman,
How's by you? How's by you?
How's by you the family? How's your sister Emily?
(She's nice too.) She's nice too.

(Jerry Bachman, Jerry Bachman, So what's new? So what's new?)
Whatcha doing Sarah? (Reading John O'Hara.)
He's nice too. (He's nice too.)

Sarah Jackman, Sarah Jackman,
How's by you? How's by you?
How's your brother Bernie? (He's a big attorney.)
How's your sister Doris? (Still with William Morris.)
How's your cousin Shirley? (She got married early.)
How's her daughter Esther? (Skipped a whole semester.)
How's your brother Bentley? (Feeling better ment'ly.)
How's your cousin Ida? (She's a freedom rider.)
What's with Uncle Sidney? (They took out a kidney.)
How's your sister Norma? (She's a non-conforma.)
How's yours cousin Lena? (Moved to Pasadena.)
How's your Uncle Nathan? (Him I got no faith in.)
I ain't heard from Sonja. (I'll get her to phone ya.)
How's her daughter Rita? (A regular Lolita.)
How's your cousin Manny? (Signed up with Vic Tanny.)
How's your nephew Seymour? (Seymour joined the Peace Corps.)
He's nice too. He's nice too.

Sarah Jackman, Sarah Jackman,
How's by you? (Jerry Bachman,)
How's by you? (Jerry Bachman,)
Give regards to Hi now. (So what's new?)
Gotta say goodbye now.(So what's new?)
Toodle-oo. (Give regards to Moe now.)
Toodle-oo. (Well I gotta go now.)
Toodle-oo. (Toodle-oo.)
Toodle-oo. (Toodle-oo.)
Toodle-oo. (Toodle-oo.)