July 1, 2019

MY MELANCHOLY BABY - 4/4 : 火 炬 歌 曲 - Torch Song

Torch Song 火 炬 歌 曲
"My Melancholy Baby" 一曲面世後不久, 音樂學者 Alec Wilder 從 "Great American Songbook" 查究之後, 把此曲制訂為第一首 'Torch Song' 的典範作品, 在美國樂壇並不列入歌曲系列, 衹屬不具任何流派的歌曲而已, 通常以藍調怨曲的旋律, 與傳統爵士樂的風格略有偏離, 在意識形態上, 算是既浪漫又傷感的情歌。

"To carry a torch for someone"
二十年代美國的歌廳劇院知名表演藝人 Tommy Lyman 每當表演至深宵時分, 客人正處酒意情濃之時, 他會感情澎湃地演繹一曲 "My Melancholy Baby"。他又解䆁 "Carry a torch for someone" 是寓意暗戀或失戀之後, 仍持着火炬給愛人燃亮將來和祝禱; 一段無怨無恨, 沒有結果卻完美和浪漫的回憶。

歌曲面世之後, 成為樂壇的焦點和熱話, 而作者卻沒有應運而生, Ernie Bennett 和 George A. Norton 往後的作品亦寥寥可數, 但無可置疑, "Melancholy" 啓發了歌曲的伸延。1928年, Gene Austin 演繹這一曲, 正藉美國陷入經濟大蕭條的年代, 歌曲紓解了人們對未來的憂慮, 副歌的 "melancholy baby" 是歌者的愛人, 歌詞以相互安撫和鼓勵, 要忘掉憂鬱, 以微笑來等待雲開見日之時。

MY MELANCHOLY BABY - Gene Austin 1928
Lyric: George A. Norton 
Come, sweetheart mine, don't sit and pine
Tell me of the cares that make you feel so blue
What have I done, answer me, hon
Have I ever said an unkind word to you

My love is true, and just for you
I'd do almost anything at any time
Dear, when you sigh, or when you cry
Something seems to grip this very heart of mine

Come to me my melancholy baby
Cuddle up and don't be blue
All your fears are foolish fancy, maybe
You know, dear, that I'm in love with you

Every cloud must have a silver lining
Wait until the sun shines through
Smile, my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear
Or else I shall be melancholy too

Judy Garland 1954
主演的電影 "A Star is Born" 港譯:「星海浮沉錄」, 在影片中, 飾演歌手的 Judy Garland 被要求唱出一曲 "My Melancholy Baby", 卻受到一些座上客打擾, 成了當年上流社會一個茶餘飯後的話題。在六、七十年代的香港, 亦有不少跑夜埸的歌手, 對這樣的場面早已見怪不怪了 !

Movie: A STAR IS BORN - My Melancholy Baby - Judy Garland 1954
Come to me my melancholy baby
Cuddle up and don't be blue
All your fears are foolish fancy, maybe
You know dear that I'm in love with you!

Every cloud must have a silver lining
Wait until the sun shines through
Smile my honey dear, while I kiss away each tear
Or else I shall be melancholy too!