November 3, 2022

THE DECK OF CARDS - 2/2 : Korean War 撲克牌韓戰版

THE DECK OF CARDS - Korean War Story
「洗腦」版的 "韓戰故事"

1962年, 荷里活拍製的電影 "The Manchurian Candidate" 港譯:「諜網迷魂」, 主角 Frank Sinatra 法蘭仙納杜拉, Laurence Harvey 羅蘭士夏飛, 劇情是韓戰的美國戰俘在所謂教育營中的遭遇。一名美軍, 在韓戰被俘後回國, 思想腦電波變成機械化一樣, 受控制於遙遠的一個敵國, 甚為駭人的「洗腦」故事。



THE RED DECK OF CARDS - Red River Dave McEnery 1953

It was during the last days of the prisoner exchange in Korea
I was there as they came through Freedom Gate. Shattered, sick and lame
佢哋行過 "自由門" 嗰陣時, 正啱我响嗰度, 睇到成班人殘晒, 病嘅同埋跛嘅都有
There in a red cross tent as the weary group rested, a soldier broke out a deck of cards
瞓响紅十字會嘅營幕裡面, 成班人攰到攤响度, 有個兵拎出副啤牌嗰陣
A look of hate crossed the tired face of one boy as he sprang up, knocking the cards to the ground
有個惡死騰騰嘅𡃁仔士兵彈起身, 睇落佢一啲都唔似攰咁, 發哂爛渣將成副啤牌掟落地
As the cards lay around, many of them face up, he picked up the Ace and began ....
散晒落地啲啤牌, 有好多係面向上嘅, 佢拎起一隻 "烟屎", 跟住就開聲講嘢 ....

I hate cards, he said
佢話: 我好很憎啤牌嘅
The commies tried to use them to teach us their false doctrine

They told us the ACE, meant that there's one God, the state
佢哋同我哋講, 隻 "烟屎" 即係國家嘅神
We knew that to be untrue for we were religious boys
我哋都信教, 知道佢哋响處發緊噏風
And the DEUCE meant there were two great leaders
隻大dee "二" 係佢哋兩個偉"大"領袖喎
Lenin and Stalin. And we couldn't swallow that either
列寧同埋史太林, 而兩個我哋都哽唔落嘅
And this TREY stood for three religious superstitions that the Reds would soon destroy
喱隻哨牙仔 "三" 即係話三個迷信嘅宗教, 話冚剷會好快攪彎佢哋喎
The Catholic, the Protestants and the Jewish
This black FOUR, the soldier boy continued, "stood for the four corners of the earth
個兵仔繼續講: 喱張黑 "四", 就係地球嗰四個角落
where the Hammer and Sickle would soon rein supreme
嗰度有晒鎚仔同埋鐮刀, 會就快要揸晒 "FIT" 添
There in that prison camp, far away from home, we hoped it was a lie
仲嚇我哋, 話嗰處嘅監獄, 離我哋屋企好遠, 我哋都諗佢係吹水啫
And this red FIVE, was the five points in their Red Star
喱張紅 "五" 係佢哋粒紅星嘅五個尖尖
Tears were streaming down the boy's face, as he picked up the six
到條𡃁仔再拎起張 "六仔" 嗰陣, 睇到佢啲眼淚標咗出嚟
And this SIX, the commies told us, stood for the sixth and final wars that America had luckily won
指喱張二打 "六" 就係冚剷黨話我哋係好好彩先至打贏第六次嘅戰爭, 即係話我哋贏咗對上嗰一仗
The Revolutionary war, the war of 1812, the Civil War, the Spanish American war
WW1, and number six - WW2"
革命戰爭、1812年戰爭、內戰、西班牙美國之戰、第一次世界大戰同埋二戰, 即係佢哋講嘅第六次
Now in this war, this cold war, America would be destroyed
不過, 輪到喱次嘅冷戰, 就會冇咁好彩, 話要打殘美國佬喎
And the SEVEN, stood for our seventh foolish day, Sunday, which we wasted on our Lord
而隻笨 "柒" 即係話我哋好"笨柒"嘅第七天, 將禮拜日嘥晒落我哋個上帝度
The EIGHT, stood for the 8 hours every day we would have to spend learning to be, uh, progressive
隻肥婆 "八" 就係話我哋成日用嗰八個鐘頭嚟學習所謂嘅先進
The NINE, for the cat-of-nine tails, lashed across our backs if we ever knelt to pray
隻戇 "玖" 就係等我哋跪响度祈禱嗰陣, 用嚟拂落去我哋個背脊嗰條"九尾鞭"
The TEN, was reminded us that out ten commandments
were ten stupid rules that only Capitalistic fools believed in.
隻密 "十" 就係成日提醒我哋嘅"十誡", 話祗有資本主義傻瓜先至會信嘅十條戇居規條喎

That's what they told us

The "JACK" meant that Christ was a knave of uncertain birth
隻 "積" 即係嗰件離奇生咗出嚟嘅壞疍基督
The "QUEEN", that maybe his mother was a non-virtuous woman
條 "女" 就係佢嗰個唔三唔四嘅老母
And the "KING", stood for our Lord God whom the commies told us didn't not exist
隻 "王" 就係話我哋嗰個唔存在嘅上帝
A dream, a fake, a joke. That's what they told us
佢哋話, 喱啲都係我哋發嘅夢, 生安白造, 係笑話喎

The Heart stood for Christ's blood, all shed in vain
"紅心" 係基督嘅血, 嘥氣喎
The Diamond signified the real precious jewel, the communist party
"階磚" 對冚剷黨嚟講係當成鑽石
The Club - the weapon of oppression with which they beat us
"梅花" 唔係國花, 係佢哋用嚟打我哋嘅武器呀
And the Spade - a tool with which we would dig our own graves
同埋隻 "葵扇" 唔係撥嗰把, 話係我哋用嚟自掘墳墓嗰隻冚剷呀

This was the Red Deck of Cards
So you see fellows, the soldier boy said, that's why I hate cards
你哋都睇到晒啦, 咁就知道我好憎啤牌嘅原因

His buddies picked up the cards tore them into pieces and with shining faces
於是, 啲同僚拎起副啤牌, 將佢撕爛哂, 個個副面口都當堂好番晒
walked arm-in-arm toward a simple chapel in Korea
仲撘晒膊頭, 走入响南韓嗰邊一間又細又殘嘅教堂

以上歌詞是意譯, 對宗教不存冒犯之意,
為求更加貼切而用上香港話作詮釋, 給樂迷一點點親切感而已!