April 4, 2022

LOUIE LOUIE - 10/1 : Cover Song Uncovered

"Louie Louie"
一首音樂結構簡單的歌曲, 節拍頻率如 "Morse Code 摩士密碼", 像似說話的唱腔, 以三個重複又簡單的和弦, 强力的結他彈奏, 加上擊鼓的輕重, 節奏可快可慢至綿綿不絕; 一度被樂壇業界嘲諷為垃圾搖滾的範本 ....

最終, 它卻被視為當代流行樂壇一首獨特風格的作品, 及後更被公認為搖滾歌曲的代表作, 成為不少後輩搖滾樂手的入門歌曲之一, 亦是六十年代的大小舞會派對, 和演奏場合的必選歌曲, 如果你不喜歡或仍不認識它, 就錯過了整首經典作品背後的經歴, 與及如何會成為流行樂壇的傳奇 ....

 ... 不要緊, 再聽一次這個版本, 讓不少老樂迷找回失去的青春 !!

LOUIE LOUIE - The Kingsmen 1963

"Havana Moon"
1956年, 一首 Chuck Berry 演繹的歌曲, 內容是一名海員在酒吧獨飲, 祈望快將上船返回古巴 Cuba 夏灣拿 Havana 的家鄉。Richard Berry 聽過這歌曲後, 靈感啟發他而寫成另一曲 ....

"Louie Louie" - April 1957
歌曲完成後, Richard Berry 與他的組合 "The Pharaohs" 樂隊演繹, 歌曲由 Flip Records 唱片公司收錄在一張 78-Rpm 十寸唱片的 B-面, 1957年四月面世, A-面的主打歌曲是翻唱 "You Are My Sunshine", 但不被電台唱片騎師看重, 反而 B-面的歌曲 "Louie Louie" 卻不停播放和推介; 雖然如此, 銷量亦衹有四萬張, 至後來才增至十三萬張。

"LOUIE LOUIE" - Richard Berry 1957
Louie, Louie, oh, oh, me gotta go
Louie, Louie, me gotta go

Fine little girl she waits for me
Me catch the ship for cross the sea
Me sail the ship all alone
Me never think me make it home

Louie, Louie, oh, me gotta go
Louie, Louie, me gotta go

Three nights and days me sail the sea
Me think of girl constantly
On the ship I dream she there
I smell the rose in her hair

Louie, Louie, me gotta go
Louie, Louie, me gotta go

Me see Jamaica moon above
It won't be long, me see my love
Me take her in my arms and then
I tell her I never leave again

Louie, Louie, oh, me gotta go
Louie, Louie, me gotta go
I say, me gotta go
I say, me gotta go

"Louie Louie"
歌曲內容是描繪一名青年海員在酒吧獨飲時, 對着酒保一番傾訴, 渴望回到家鄉牙買加 Jamaica 與愛人相見, "Louie Louie" 被認為是愛人的名字; 及後, Richard Berry 解䆁 "Louie" 是酒保的名字而已, 這是啟發自1943年的歌舞電影 "The Sky's The Limit" 港譯: "飛虎將軍", 佛烈雅士提 Fred Astaire 在影片中跳舞和演繹的歌曲 "One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)", 在歌詞中的名字"Joe"是和他對話的酒保。1947年, 歌曲由法蘭仙納杜拉 Frank Sinatra 翻唱的版本更受樂迷追捧。

"One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)" - Fred Astaire
1943 Movie: The Sky's The Limit
港譯: "飛虎將軍"

It's quarter to three
There's no one in the place 'cept you and me
So set 'em' up Joe
I got a little story I think you oughtta know

We're drinking my friend
To the end of a brief episode
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road

I know the routine
Put another nickel in that there machine
I'm feeling so bad
Won't you make the music easy and sad

I could tell you a lot
But you gotta to be true to your code
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road

You'd never know it
But buddy I'm a kind of poet
And I've got a lot of things I want to say
And if I'm gloomy, please listen to me
'Til it's all, all talked away

Well, that's how it goes
And Joe I know you're gettin' anxious to close
So thanks for the cheer
I hope you didn't mind
My bending your ear

But this torch that I found
It's gotta be drowned
Or it soon might explode
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road