May 14, 2020

DON'T LAUGH AT ME - 5/4 : "Operation Respect" 尊重行動

専輯 "Songs of Conscience & Concern" 面世之後, Peter, Paul and Mary 在 "National Association of Elementary School Principals 全國小學校長協會" 的音樂會上, 三人以煽情的腔調, 以輕柔的音樂旋律, 帶給不少人得以安撫的一曲 "Don't Laugh At Me", 唱畢帶來瞬間的沉寂, 隨之是熱烈的掌聲 ....

得到 Allen Shamblin 和 Steve Seskin 的贊同, Peter Yarrow 前去約見 "Educators for Social Responsibility 社會責任教育者" 組織創辦人 Linda Lantieri, 提議一項校內教導計畫, 用歌曲推動學生和睦相處, 尊重他人, 接受差異, 反對歧視和欺凌; 認為以音樂和藝術元素, 更易觸及教師和學生和家長的內心, 營造更高的社會意識, 最重要是燃點起在學的教育精神。

Peter Yarrow 得到當時 "McGraw-Hill Education" 研究與開發的高級副總裁 Charlotte Frank 博士, 與及 Linda Lantieri 的積極推動, 加上 Allen Shamblin, Steve Seskin 答應加入董事會; 1999年, 成功創立 "Operation Respect 尊重行動", 為教師、輔導員、學校管理人員、父母和其他社區相關人士提供教學課程, 舉辦研討會和安排演講集會。
Linda Lantieri & Dalai Lama

這項計劃成立之後, 演講者和表演團隊已向全球超過五十萬位教學人士和領導, 學生和家長, 政策制定和社區成員作介紹。至2000年秋天, 在美國至全球, 己分發近二十萬本 "Don't Laugh At Me" 免費的課程書册; 還有翻譯成日文, 西班牙, 希伯來, 亞拉伯, 烏克蘭和華語譯本, 應用在無數的教室或課外自修, 與及各類康樂活動, 至今, 已超過六十萬位教育工作者, 曾參加在美國和加拿大, 以色列, 巴勒斯坦, 約旦, 烏克蘭, 墨西哥, 香港, 日本, 百慕達和南非, 舉辦這項行動的講習班。
Peter Yarrow & Dalai Lama 

這歌曲引發 Peter Yarrow 的動力去創立這個組織之外, 更致力推廣學校和家庭教育, 他把這首歌曲特别收錄在一張兒童版的 CD 唱片, 與歌詞同加附在 "DON'T LAUGH AT ME" 的兒童讀物, 書本發行的收益, 部份會用於 "OPERATION RESPECT 尊重行動"。
"DON'T LAUGH AT ME" - Anti-Bullying Song
Words and Music by Steve Seskin and Allen Shamblin
Afterword by Peter Yarrow
Illustrated by Glin Dibley
This book features printed music and a sing-along CD.

"讓音樂來引起談論, 給人們一吐內心的苦惱、沮喪和憤怒; 儘管彼此各有不同, 但在許多方面都是一樣的, 衹要我們繼續以音樂和歌曲來促進愛與和平, 尊重和諒解, 釋出友善和關懷之心, 盡我們所能去消除仇恨、歧視、偏見、嘲笑和反對欺凌吧 !"

DON'T LAUGH AT ME "Anti-Bullying Song"- Fall Sing Out 2017

DON'T LAUGH AT ME - Peter, Paul and Mary

I'm a little boy with glasses
The one they call a geek
A little girl who never smiles
'Cause I've got braces on my teeth
And I know how it feels to cry myself to sleep

I'm that kid on every playground
Who's always chosen last
A single teenage mother,
Tryin' to overcome my past
You don't have to be my friend
But is it too much to ask

Don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
In God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me

I'm the beggar on the corner
You've passed me on the street
And I wouldn't be out here beggin'
If I had enough to eat
And don't think I don't notice
That our eyes never meet

Don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
In God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me

I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm deaf, I'm blind, hey, aren't we all

Don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain
In God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings

DON'T LAUGH AT ME - The Dubs 1960
Don't laugh at me
Please, it's good, happen to you
Don't laugh, you see
That's why I'm so blue

Don't laugh like a clown
For pleas, for will
Don't laugh so loud
Are you surely treat me

I was too tough to see
what you meant to me
for all proud of me in my will
And someday that God loves you

"我很醜,可是我很溫柔" - 趙傳 1988
作詞:李格弟    作曲:黃韻玲
每一個晚上 在夢的曠野 我是驕傲的巨人
每一個早晨 在浴室鏡子前

在鋼筋水泥的叢林裡 在呼來喚去的生涯裡

我很醜可是我很溫柔 外表冷漠 內心狂熱 那就是我
我很醜可是我有音樂和啤酒一點卑微 一點懦弱 可是從不退縮

每一個早晨 在都市的邊緣 我是孤獨的假面
每一個晚上 在音樂的曠野 卻變成狂熱嘶吼的巨人

在一望無際的舞台上 在不被了解的另一面

我很醜可是我很溫柔 白天黯淡 夜晚不朽 那就是我
我很醜 可是我有音樂和啤酒
有時激昂 有時低首 非常善於等候

我很醜可是我很溫柔 外表冷漠 內心狂熱 那就是我
我很醜可是我有音樂和啤酒一點卑微 一點懦弱 可是從不退縮