July 3, 2020

R E S P E C T - 3/1 : Otis Redding

Otis Redding 1965年的作品, 面世後並打進 "Black Single Chart 黑人單曲榜" 第五位; 在較多白人聽眾的流行歌曲電台, 最高播放率列第三十五位, 這是他繼一曲 "I've Been Loving You Too Long" 之後, 第二首成功走進白人流行歌曲電台的門檻。

創作靈感是來自 Otis Redding 一次演出的回程, 他抱怨工作完畢, 在車上的顛簸與回到家中同樣委屈和難受, 這聲聲不快, 引起樂隊的鼓手 Al Jackson 對他作出反彈和回應: "整過車程, 你不停在抱怨甚麽呢? 當你踏進家門, 可得回你應有的尊重了" 
"RESPECT 尊重" 這個字彙卻啓發了 Otis Redding 的創作靈感而寫下一曲, 完成後交給 Speedo Sims 由他的樂隊 "Singing Demons" 作唱片錄音, 而在此之前, 亦把歌詞修改多次, 節奏略為加快來配合樂隊的風格。待至完成錄音, 試聽過不同版本之後, Speedo 仍找不到一個滿意的錄音版本, Otis 提議把歌曲由自己演繹, 並答應在唱片封套的序言內, 以謝 Speedo Sims 協助歌曲的錄製。1965年四月, 唱片面世, 這條件卻沒有在唱片封套上出現, 而 Speedo Sims 對此亦不作追究。

Otis Redding 有獨特的腔調, 充滿野性和騷靈的魅力, 唱出了辛勞工作的丈夫, 沒有他想, 衹期待回到家中得到應有的尊重。給妻子明確的訊息, 並不是懇求; 把賺來的錢全給予妻子, 衹是愛的表現, 亦是對家庭生活的價值觀。之外, 對妻子直截了當的婉訴 : "親愛的, 要對我不起的話, 當我不在時, 你儘管去做吧!" 這樣的訊息和意圖, 在歌詞中重複地抒發出來。

1965年九月面世 Otis Redding 的第三張専輯唱片, 監製是來自 Booker T. & the MG 樂隊的結他手 Steve Cropper, 而其他成員亦是這唱片錄音的樂手, 同參予的還有 Muscle Shoals Studio 旗下的樂手, 包括和唱歌手 William Bell 和 Earl Sims。

Booker T. Jones – keyboards, piano
Steve Cropper – guitar
Donald "Duck" Dunn – bass guitar
Al Jackson Jr. – drums
Isaac Hayes – keyboards, piano
Wayne Jackson – trumpet
Gene "Bowlegs" Miller – trumpet
Andrew Love – tenor saxophone
Floyd Newman – baritone saxophone
William Bell – backing vocals
Earl Sims – backing vocals

R E S P E C T - Otis Redding

What you want, honey, you got it
And what you need, baby, you've got it
All I'm asking
For a little respect when I come home, hey now
Hey hey hey, yeah now

Do me wrong, honey, if you wanna to
You can do me wrong honey, while I'm gone
But all I'm asking
Is for a little respect when I come home, ooh, yeah now
Hey hey hey, yeah now

Hey little girl, you're so sweet, little honey
And I'm about to, just give you all of my money
And all I'm asking, hey
A little respect when I come home, hey hey
Hey hey hey, yeah now

Hey little girl, you're sweeter then honey
And I'm about to give you all of my money
But all I want you to do
Is just give it, give it
Respect when I come home, hey hey now
Hey hey hey, yeah now

Respect is what I want from you
Respect is what I need
Respect is what I want
Respect is what I need

Got to, got to have it
Got to, got to have it
Got to, got to have it
Got to, got to have it

Give us, give us, give us, give us
Give us, give us, give us, give us
Give us, give us some baby, everything I need
Give us, give us some baby, everything I want