August 2, 2020

RITCHIE VALENS - 2/2 : "Donna"

Del-Fi Records 唱片公司1958年十月面世的單曲細唱片, B-面 "La Bamba" 在美國 "U.S. Billboard Hot 100" 流行榜上二十二位, 而 A-面的 "Donna" 較受歡迎, 面世後登上較高位置。

此曲是 Ritchie Valens 給摯愛一表心聲的作品; 入讀的高校 San Fernando High, 校內常舉辦一些音樂或舞會派對, 他亦是台上演唱的樂手之一。在一次舞會演唱, 認識了女同學 Donna Ludwig; 之後, 開始有親密約會, 兩人相處愉快, 走進一段 Puppy Love 的戀情。

Donna 亦稱當年 Ritchie 曾告知有一曲是特别寫給她的, 當時, 她並没有放在心裡。在一次和幾個朋友的自駕遊途中, 車內收音機傳來唱片騎師介紹和播出 Ritchie 的一曲 "Donna", 當時車上的幾位密友像心領神會, 同雀躍高呼起來, 此刻令她腼腆羞怯, 不知如何回應。

恐 懼
1957年一月三十一日, Ritchie Valens 入讀 Pacoima Junior High School, 上空有兩架小型飛機失事墮入校園內, 幾個校友被飛機殘骸擊中致死, 傷重的學生亦有不少。當天他正身處祖父的葬禮, 消息傳來, 他把葬禮哀傷的心情, 轉移至失去校友的事故上。

1958年秋天, Ritchie 放棄學業, 專注在歌唱事業, 經理人 Bob Keane 安排他到全國不同電視台亮相; 但是, Ritchie 對校園墜機事故已成心中的恐懼, 為了業途, 四出巡廻表演亦要面對乘坐國內航機的旅程。

怨 憤
John Mueller, 至今仍令樂迷怨憤的演藝業界人物, 由於他邀請 Ritchie Valens, Big Bopper, Buddy Holly 和他的樂手 Tommy Allsup, Carl Bunch, Waylon Jennings 参予其主辦中西北部城市 "Winter Dance Party 冬季舞會", 由1959年二月開始作巡迥演唱 ....

命 運
首站旅程要在旅遊巴士熬上一夜, 穿越美國中北部; 而起因是旅遊巴士的暖氣系統出現問題, 不能恆温, 令至 Buddy Holly 的鼓手 Carl Bunch 脚生凍瘡, 難抵疼痛, 入了醫院。最後, 抵達 Iowa 愛荷華州 Clear Lake 的 Surf Ballroom 作首場演唱。

翌日, 二月三日, 前往下一站 Minnesota 明尼蘇達州的演唱會, Buddy Holly 放棄長途車程, 為兩隊員租用小型飛機, 由於當時的 "Big Bopper" 正在發高燒, Waylon Jennings 把機位讓給他; 此刻, Ritchie 知道 Buddy 三人要乘坐飛機, 他要求 Tommy Allsup 讓出機位, 最後兩人以擲亳作取捨, 並得到 "Big Bopper" 應承借出睡袋給輸家乘坐巴士作保暖, Ritchie 選銀幣的 "Head 頭像" 而勝出, Tommy Allsup 輸掉機位卻贏回生命。

February 3, 1959
午夜傳來噩耗 : " 年輕搖滾歌手 Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly 和 Big Bopper 墜機遇難", Ritchie 與 Donna 這段愛情亦隨之而逝 "。

及後, Ritchie Valens 給摯愛女友的一曲 "DONNA" 隨即登上 "U.S. Billboard 100" 榜上第三位; 幾星期後, 再躍登第二位。

"THREE STARS" - Tommy Dee - Dramatic Version
Look up in the sky
Up toward the north
There are three new stars
Brightly shining forth
They're shining so bright from heaven above
Gee we're gonna miss you,
Everybody sends their love

On the left stand Ritchie Valens
A young boy just seventeen
Just beginning to realize
And explore his teenage dreams
Why did God call him oh so far away
Maybe to help some boy or girl
Who might have gone astray
With his star shining in the dark
On a lonely night to light the path
And show the way, the way that's right
Gee we're gonna miss you,
Everybody sends their love

On the right stands Buddy Holly
With a shy grin upon his face
Funny how you always seem to notice
That one little curl out of place
Not many people really knew Buddy
Or understood how he felt
But just a song from his lips
Would make the coldest hearts melt
Buddy's singing for God now, in his in the sky
Buddy holly we'll always remember you
With tears in our eyes
Gee we're gonna miss you,
Everybody sends their love

In the middle stands a stout man
The big Bopper is his name
Now God has called him
Perhaps to new fortune and fame
He wore a big Stetson hat
And sort of rambled up to the mike
How can we ever forget those wonderful words
"You know, what I like"

Look up in the sky
Up toward the north
There are three little stars
Brightly shining forth
They're shining so bright from heaven above
Gee we're gonna miss you,
Everybody sends their love