February 2, 2021

THE EVERLY BROTHERS - 12/6 : 影響 與 啟發

The Everly Brothers 以二合為一的和唱腔調, 複雜且微妙, 重疊並協調的演繹方式, 有別於早期流行歌曲普遍的和唱風格, 因而成為 Everly 兄弟在流行樂壇其二重和唱的特色和典範, 並啟發了 Simon & Garfunkel, The Beach Boys, The Mamas & The Papas, The Carpenters, The Byrds 等樂隊組合。
流行樂壇自六十年代中期開始, The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Animals, The Searchers, The Kink, The Bee Gees 等英國搖滾樂隊, 被受世界樂壇注目, "The Everly Brothers" 面對 "British Invasion 英倫入侵" 的大氣候, 以逆潮流的二重和唱風格, 融合傳統流行歌曲、福音和鄉謠音樂, 從不被樂壇忽略, 相反更見突出和被受注目, 亦影響了其他樂隊的和唱風格。 

Graham Nash, 先後來自英國樂隊組合 "The Hollies" 與及 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, 他在接受電台訪問時, 聲稱十五歲参加學校的舞會, 聽過 The Everly Brothers 的歌曲 "Bye Bye Love" 之後, 被 Everly 兄弟以和諧協調的二重和唱所吸引, 對後來他的音樂職業有不少啟發。 
You, who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so, become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye

Teach your children well
Their father's hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by

Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you

And you (Can you hear?) of tender years (And do you care?)
Can't know the fears (And can you see?)
That your elders grew by (We must be free)
And so, please help (To teach your children)
Them with your youth (What you believe in)
They seek the truth (Make a world)
Before they can…

The Beatles 第一首打進美國流行樂壇是1963年的 "Please Please Me", 歌曲結構以 Paul McCartney 和 John Lennon 二重唱開始, 接下來是 Paul 和 George 的升調和唱, Paul 聲稱這演繹模式是由於 Everly Brothers 的作品 "Cathy's Clown" 所啟發。初出道的 Beatles 成員曾戲稱自己是 "The Foreverly Brothers 永遠兄弟"。不過, 踏入七十年代, The Beatles 與 Everly 兄弟, 在流行樂壇卻同樣走上久合必分之路 !
PLEASE PLEASE ME - The Beatles - 1963
Last night I said these words to my girl
I know you never even try, girl
Come on (come on), come on (come on)
Come on (come on), come on (come on)
Please, please me, whoa yeah, like I please you
You don't need me to show the way, love
Why do I always have to say, love
Come on (come on), come on (come on)
Come on (come on), come on (come on)
Please, please me, whoa yeah, like I please you
I don't want to sound complaining
But you know there's always rain in my heart (in my heart)
I do all the pleasing with you
It's so hard to reason with you
whoa yeah, why do you make me blue?
Last night I said
CATHY'S CLOWN - The Beatles (Unreleased)