January 6, 2022

SCARBOROUGH FAIR - 6/5 : Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel 
1965年, Paul Simon 在英國倫敦欣賞 Martin Carthy 的演唱會, 聽過他一曲 "Scarborough Fair" 個人的結他彈唱, 對此曲的興趣大增, 與 Martin Carthy 惺惺相識, 從他知道樂譜是來自 Ewan MacColl 和 Peggy Seeger 1960年出版的民歌集 "The Singing Island - The English & Scottish Folk Song"。
Martin Carthy 的結他造詣引起 Paul Simon 的注目之外, 他卻放棄這首傳統民歌的曲風, 把歌詞和樂曲重新編撰, 改以頌歌二重唱方式的演繹, 收錄在専輯 "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme", 1966年十月面世之後, 這首原是傳統民謠如脫胎換骨, 引起民歌愛好者與流行樂迷哄動一時。
"The Graduate 畢業生" 1967
電影的專輯亦收錄了"Scarborough Fair", 唱片面世之後大受歡迎, 在封套此曲的創作人是 Paul Simon 和 Art Garfunkel, 並沒有說明它的出處之外, 更沒有 Martin Carthy 的名字出現, 加上外間調侃他, 白白送了此曲給 Paul Simon, 這令致 Martin 耿耿於懷; 直至2000年十月, Paul Simon 在英國倫敦 Hammersmith Apollo 的個人演唱會, 在謝幕時的第二次 Encore, Paul 告知觀眾早已邀請 Martin Carthy 到來, 要感謝他的啟發, 並請他上台同合唱一曲 "Scarborough Fair", 這才紓解了 Martin 三十多年來的不快。
"Scarborough Fair"
歌詞中所提及的香草 Parsley 歐芹、Sage 鼠尾草、Rosemary 迷迭香和 Thyme 百里香, 據歐美民歌歴史考究學者收藏家 Alan Lomax 的一書 "Classic Ballad Of Britain And Ireland" 對香草另有解讀, 由於香草與死亡是有關連, 亦有傳當時的人將所有這些香草混合一起, 放在小布袋裡, 隨身攜帶作辟邪驅魔之用, 特別是來到當年 Scarborough Fair 這類品流複雜的市集, 青年男女以香草包用作"幸運符"。
2012年, Bertie Higgins 把歌曲收錄在他的專輯唱片 "YEAR OF THE DRAGON", 他演繹 "Scarborough Fair" 的曲風, 和加上充滿神秘感的音樂, 把這些香草的魔力, 盡在歌曲中顯現出來。
2012 - Bertie Higgins 

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to the one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Without no seams, needle work
Then she'll be a true love of mine

Tell her to find me an acre of land
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea strands
Then she'll be a true love of mine

Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
Then she'll be a true love of mine

"Girl From The North Country"
1963年, Bob Dylan 首次前去英國, 在倫敦認識了同齡的 Martin Carthy, 两人由交談至切磋, Bob 由此更認識一些英國傳统民謠歌曲; 在傾談中, Martin 唱罷一曲 "Scarborough Fair" 之後, 當中有两句歌詞正觸動了 Bob 的感受, 由於較早前, 與同是活躍分子的女友歌手 Bonnie Beecher 两人的愛情告破裂, 為此他才出國一遊, 以紓解憂鬱。
"Remember me to one who lives there,
 she once was a true love of mine."
Bob Dylan 把這兩句難以忘記的歌詞帶回美國, 很快亦完成一首新歌曲, 所描述就是來自美國北部 Minnesota 明尼蘇達州 Minneapolis 明尼阿波利斯, 他的前度女友 Bonnie Beecher, Bob Dylan 的摯愛 "Girl From The North Country"。

"Girl From The North Country" - Bob Dylan 1963
If you're travelin' in the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
If you go when the snowflakes storm
When the rivers freeze and summer ends
Please, see if she has a coat so warm
To keep her from the howlin' winds
Please, see if her hair hangs long
If it rolls and flows all down her breast
Please, see for me if her hair's hangin' long
'Cause that's the way I remember her best
I'm a-wonderin' if she remembers me at all
Many times I've often prayed
In the darkness of my night
In the brightness of my day
So, if you're travelin' in the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine