August 5, 2022

CANDLE IN THE WIND - Janis Joplin, Marilyn Monroe, Ryan White, Princess Diana

1970年十月四日, Janis Joplin 被發現倒斃在酒店房間內; 翌日, 報刊對這位年僅二十七歲女歌手的離世, 在一篇悼文用上 "Candle In The Wind" 來形容一颗巨星的隕落; 這詞彙深刻留在時年二十歲, 英國一位新晋創作歌手 Bernie Taupin 的腦海裡。

Bernie Taupin & Elton John
時光回到三年前的1967年, 十七歲的 Bernie Taupin 從 New Musical Express 一則招聘錄音室歌手廣告, 前去 Liberty Records 唱片公司接受面試, 其間遇上二十歲的 Elton John, 兩人由於全無撰詞和譜曲的經驗, 連試音的機會亦没有而被請離開; 自此, 兩個青年由認識至結為好友, 開始在樂壇至日後經常有合作。

1973年八月四日, 荷李活艷星瑪莉蓮·夢露逝世十一週年, Bernie Taupin 回憶起1970年報刊的一篇悼詞而觸發靈感, 完成一篇作品並交由好友 Elton John 譜曲, 一首以紀念這位性感女星的歌曲 "Candle In The Wind", 收錄在 Elton John 出道後的個人首張專輯, 1973年面世的 "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"; 單曲細唱片則登上1974年英國的 "UK Single Chart" 第十一位。 
2014年, Bernie Taupin 在接受"Rolling Stone 滾石雜誌"的訪問時聲稱:「這歌曲是瑪麗蓮·夢露一生的寫照, 而樂壇卻認為我對夢露的迷戀或有不敬之意, 兩者是與事實不乎和誤解, 她去世之年我衹有十二歲, 何來對她有迷戀之念呢? 歌曲內容衹是描繪一些青年歌手、演員和藝人, 如 Van Morrison, Kurt Cobain 和 James Dean, 他們由於過分放縱不羈, 因而英年早逝, 實在是令人惋惜; 這歌曲亦祇是 Monroe 夢露短暫一生的速寫而已」。

Elton John & Bernie Taupin

Goodbye Norma Jean (Marilyn Monroe's real name: Norma Jean Mortenson) 
Verse 1
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled

They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in

And I would have liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Verse 2
Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid

Even when you died
Oh the press still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found in the nude


Verse 3
Goodbye Norma Jean
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled

Goodbye Norma Jean
From the young man in the 22nd row
Who sees you as something more than sexual
More than just our Marilyn Monroe

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in
And I would have liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Ryan Wayne White (1971-1990)
生於美國 Indiana 印第安納州, 一位青年血友病患者, 十歲時在一次接受輸血治療的過程中, 由於輸入受污染的血液而感染愛滋病, 醫生當時的診斷, 對他僅有半年的生命並沒有祈望, 最令人傷感和氣憤是學校將他拼諸門外, 朋輩亦遠離他, 他的遭遇引起社會極大的關注和回響, 但他仍有不停與病魔搏鬥的意志 .....
這不幸的醫療事故, 於1989年一月拍成電視影片 "The Ryan White Story" 劇情走進大小家庭, 成為美國抗愛滋病的標誌人物; 1990年, 把多年來他的經歴再搬上大銀幕, 並向世界呼喚以對抗愛滋病。1991年, 電影 "The Ryan White Story" 在港上映, 影片譯名: "愛的奮鬥"。
由歌手 Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young 在1985年創立的 "FARM AID 農業援助"基金, 1990年四月七日在美國 Indiana 印第安那州, Indianapolis Hoosier Dome 印第安納波利斯, 圓頂運動場館舉行演唱會 "FARM AID IV", Elton John 亦有参予, 特别演繹了 "I'm Still Standing" 與 "Candle In The Wind" 兩曲, 以鼓勵和獻給仍要留院照顧的 Ryan。翌日, 傳來噩耗, Ryan 不敵病魔, 在醫院病逝, 終年十九歲, 他頑強的意志力, 已超越了醫生當年的診斷。四日後, 在 Ryan 的葬禮彌撒, Elton John 演繹一曲 "Skyline Pigeon", 追悼這位他不斷鼓勵和關懷的青年朋友。
Elton John - I'm Still Standing & Candle In the Wind (Live at Farm Aid) April 7, 1990 
1997年八月三十一日, Wales 威爾斯皇妃 Princess Diana 在 Paris 巴黎發生車禍身亡, Elton John 把 "Candle In The Wind 風中殘燭" 的歌詞改編成一首輓歌 "Goodbye England's Rose 告別英格蘭的玫瑰", 在教堂彌撒的葬禮儀式, 親自彈唱以追悼戴安娜皇妃。

Candle in the Wind/Goodbye England's Rose (Live at Princess Diana's Funeral - 1997)
Goodbye England's Rose
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart
You called out to our country
And you whispered to those in pain
Now you belong to heaven
And the stars spell out your name
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will
Loveliness we've lost
These empty days without your smile
This torch we'll always carry
For our nation's golden child
And even though we try
The truth brings us to tears
All our words cannot express
The joy you brought us through the years

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will  

Goodbye England's rose
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart
Goodbye England's rose
From a country lost without your soul
Who'll miss the wings of your compassion
More than you'll ever know

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will

Princess Diana (July 1, 1961 - August 31, 1997)