April 26, 2013

THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 13/2,3

後戰爭期的 "安魂曲"....
到甚麼時候才能夠從戰爭中吸取教訓呢 ?!
Cologne City after bombing raid WWII

道出在這環境中的成長的人, 為何缺乏意識與洞察力, 從過去二戰中吸取教訓? 甚至對戰争更加瘋狂, 抗拒去解決如 "福島事件" 的問題與冲突。 如是者, 彼此更疏遠, 等待着下一個戰爭的死亡來臨, 戰死的軍人被遺忘, 有如孤寂的罌粟花 ....
They flutter behind you, your possible pasts
Some bright-eyed and crazy, some frightened and lost
A warning to anyone still in command
...Take cover!
Of their possible futures: to take care
In derelict siding the poppies entwine 以罂粟花紀念殉職軍人
With cattle trucks lying in wait for the next time

Do you remember me? How we used to be?
Do you think we should be closer?

年青的士兵們, 曾經熱血地加入海, 陸, 空軍等, 沒有意識到他們由天真無邪, 至今成長才從痛苦中覺醒到被愚弄。男人戰死……他家人在受苦。但是這裡談到的女人就像豐裕社會的像徵, 得益於戰爭。
She stood in the doorway, the ghost of a smile
Haunting her face like a cheap hotel sign
Her cold eyes imploring the men in their macs
For the gold in their bags or the knives in their backs
Stepping up boldly, one put out his hand
He said, 'I was just a child then, now I'm only a man'

Do you remember me? How we used to be?
Do you think we should be closer?

這裡特別强調宗教的教條, 明顯地指岀懦弱的宗教领袖, 對教條的歪曲, 令年青人失去分析力, 相反地, 為某些受恐惧的領導人所需而服務, 而對一些年青人內心的掙扎與抗衡, 產生可怕的異化效果。最後為有乞求憐憫吧 !
By the cold and religious we were taken in hand
Shown how to feel good, and told to feel bad
Tongue tied and terrified we learned how to pray
Now our feelings run deep and cold as the clay
Strung out behind us, the banners and flags
Of our possible pasts lie in tatters and rags

Do you remember me? How we used to be?
Do you think we should be closer?

後戰爭年代的教育 ....

戰後的退役軍人, 為謀生多當上教師, 並以軍訓方式去嚴勵管教, 不少孩童在校內受公開的羞辱, 殘酷的傷害, 對40年代的兒童確是難忘的經歴, 主要是二戰後的英國還未有保護兒童法的訂立。

When you're one of the few
to land on your feet,
What do you do to make ends meet?
Teacher ...
Make them mad, make them sad,
Make them add two and two
Make them me, make them you,
Make them do what you want them to
Make them laugh,
Make them cry,
Make them lay down and die

NEXT .... THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 4/13