April 27, 2013

THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 13/4

後戰爭期的 "安魂曲"....
此曲原是 "THE WALL" 音樂專輯裡的一首歌曲, 在製作期間有成員認為曲詞太個人化, 全環繞着 Roger 父親的往事, 唯有决定從曲目中删除。

為配合 "THE WALL 迷牆" 電影版的故事畫面, 再將此曲重新編排於其中的片段:
"Pink 這個小孩, 試穿上父親遺下的軍服時, 在抽屉中找到一封由當年 " 英皇僑治六世 King George VI " 給母親以表對父親殉戰的哀悼信, 發現該函件衹得膠印蓋章, 而非英皇的親筆簽署, 對父親的效忠殉職未得尊敬有感不快"。

"THE FINAL CUT" 專輯的1983年版, 這歌曲仍然不在其中, 由此可見 Roger 在其他三個成員心中有不滿, 過去亦有成員對他的主觀及領袖個性不悦, 但無可否認自 Syd Barrett 離開後, Roger 的領導及創作才華, 仍被大多數樂迷接受的。

1985年 Roger Waters 正式離開樂隊時衹取回 "THE WALL" 的版權後, 其他歌曲版權全歸樂隊擁有, 直至2004年再版時才把 "WHEN THE TIGER BROKE FREE" 放回專輯中以增歌曲的連續性, 可見時間可冲淡一切 ....

1944年, Roger Waters 仍是未滿週歲的强媬婴兒時, 他的父親陣亡於意大利的 Anzio Beach, 失去父親的感受, 在曲詞中可見其主题對戰爭的反响。

It was just before dawn
One miserable morning in black forty four - 1944年, 父親陣亡
When the forward commander
Was told to sit tight
When he asked that his men be withdrawn.
And the generals gave thanks
As the other ranks held back
The enemy tanks for a while.

And the Anzio bridgehead 

意大利 Italy Anzio Beach 戰役

Was held for the price
Of a few hundred ordinary lives.

And old king george

英皇僑治六世 King George VI

Sent mother a note
When he heard that father was gone.
It was, I recall,
In the form of a scroll,
With gold leaf and all.
And I found it one day
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away.
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
His majesty signed
With his own rubber stamp.

It was dark all around.
There was frost in the ground
When The Tigers Broke Free.
And no one survived 

From the royal fusiliers company c.  

Badge of the Royal Fusiliers, UK
1801-1968 火鎗兵團

British Army
They were all left behind,
Most of them dead,
The rest of them dying.
And that's how the high command
Took my daddy from me.

 NEXT .... THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 5/13