April 30, 2013

THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 13/9

後戰爭期的 "安魂曲" ....

一個暴君或獨裁者, 像小孩子玩弄他的雕塑士兵玩具一樣, 去看待與操控人們的生命, 這些對生命漠不關心的戰爭發動者, 同樣以 "FINAL SOLUTION 终極方案" 去對待他們好了。

這段憤怒的歌詞以 Roger 的父親 Fletcher 命名, 表達他對所有戰爭的唾罵。 
Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
And build them a home
A little place of their own
The Fletcher Memorial Home
For incurable tyrants and kings

And they can appear to themselves every day
On closed circuit TV
To make sure they're still real
It's the only connection they feel

" Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome,
Reagan and Haig,                    美國總 统列根, 國務卿 海格

RONALD REAGAN 1911 - 2004

ALEXANDER HAIG 1924 - 2010

Mr Begin and friend,               以色列總理 貝金

MENACHEM BEGIN 1913 - 1992

Mrs Thatcher and Paisley, Hello Maggie!

Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, Baron Bannside, PC (born 6 April 1926) is a politician and former church minister from Northern Ireland. As the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), he and Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness were elected First Minister and deputy First Minister respectively on 8 May 2007. Paisley retired from religious ministry on 27 January 2012. - wikipedia

Mr Brezhnev and party.           蘇聯總理 布里玆涅夫


The ghost of McCarthy,           麥卡錫

Joseph Raymond McCarthy 1908 - 1957
美國共和黨參議員, 反共主義者。最負盛名是 "麥卡錫主義"。他死於由酗酒引起的肝炎。今天有人認為他在任內堅決打擊共產主義,阻止反對民主自由的共產主義入侵美國, 穩定美國自由民主的基石。

And the memories of Nixon.   美國總统 尼克遜

RICHARD NIXON  1913 - 1994

And now, adding color, Who's the bald chap?
a group of anonymous Latin American
meat packing glitterati."   

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?'

They can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles
And abuse themselves playing games for a while
Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you're dead

Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
With their favorite toy
They'll be good girls and boys
In the Fletcher Memorial Home for colonial wasters
of life and limb

Is everyone in?
Are you having a nice time? Good-bye! 

Now the final solution can be applied 
1942年, 德國納粹於 " Wannsee Conference 萬湖會議 " 决定所有在德國佔領土地的猶太人, 被驅遂與滅絕的計劃, 因此成為大屠殺歴史的 " 终極方案 Final Solution "

 NEXT .... THE FINAL CUT - 歌詞簡述 10/13