June 18, 2013


1978年電影製作, 由美國的一個小鎮開始, 至越戰時期, 發生在越南 Saigon 西貢的故事, 影片中最震撼的埸面就是在被威迫下, 以 "俄羅斯輪盤 Russian Roulette" 方式的賭命, 成為最被受爭議的一幕了 !!

Producer: Michael Deeley
Writer/Director: Michael Cimino
Starring: Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep, Christopher Walken,
John Cazale and George Dzundza

該影片奪得 "奧斯卡金像獎 Oscar Acadamy Awards":
最佳影片, 導演, 男配角, 音響效果, 剪接, 共五項大獎。

Movie Clip: RUSSIAN ROULETTE - The Deer Hunter 

影片的配樂是來自 Stanley Myers 1970年的一首古典結他作品 "Cavatina", 同年應 John Williams 的要請, 編寫成鋼琴樂譜, 並用作電影 "The Walking Stick" 港譯 :《劫寶情魔》的配樂。1973年, 女歌手 Cleo Laine 以此音樂親手撰上歌詞, 錄製成一曲 "He Was Beautiful", 她性感的聲調, 即使加上 John Williams 以木结他伴奏, 可惜未被樂迷追捧。

HE WAS BEAUTIFUL - Cleo Laine and John Williams
He was beautiful, beautiful to my eyes,
From the moment I saw him sun filled the skies.

He was so, so beautiful, beautiful just to hold,
In my dreams he was springtime, winter was cold.

How could I tell him what I so clearly could see?
Though I longed for him, another trusted me completely so I never could be free.

Aah but it was beautiful, knowing now that he cared,
I will always remember times that we shared.

Now it's all over still the feelings linger on,
For my dream keeps returning now that he's gone.

For it was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful to be loved.

1978年, 因電影"The Deer Hunter"《獵鹿者》的配樂, "Cavatina" 此音樂再被樂壇關注, 而最為人知是同年由 "The Shadows" 結他手 Hank Marvin 的錄音演奏 "Theme from The Deer Hunter", 面世即登上英國與荷蘭的細碟榜。

自從影片面世後, Cleo Laine 的歌曲 "He Was Beautiful" 才再被樂迷關注, 及後不同的錄音有 Iris Williams 的版本; 2009年 Camilla Kerslake 的首張唱片錄音; 2011年 Joe McElderry 與結他手 Milos Karadaglic 合作的專輯。

The Shadows - Theme from Deer Hunter 1989