May 16, 2014

SEASONS IN THE SUN - 3/2 : Terry Jacks

自從 Rod McKuen 把原法文歌曲 "Le Maribond" 改編成英文版的 "Seasons In The Sun" 之後 ....

Terry Jacks 與妻子 Susan Jacks 同是加拿大知名的創作歌手, 亦是唱片監製, 他們有自己公司的品牌。1973年, 此曲再經他修改, 以一些較積極的歌詞, 與輕快的節奏演譯, 交由 The Beach Boys 在温哥華完成錄音, 雖然已開始面市, 但發售後不久, Terry Jacks 另行親自演譯, 新錄音唱片發售, 同年的十二月打進美國 Billboard Hot 100, 1974年三月再登上榜首達三星期, 成為全世界40首最高銷量, 超過一千萬張的英語流行曲 Single 細碟唱片之一。

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We've known each other since we were nine or ten
Together we climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and A B C's
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
Out of time...

Goodbye Papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song

Wonder how I got along.

Goodbye Papa its hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them I'll be there.

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone.

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone.

Goodbye Michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ground.

Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the stars we could reach
Were just starfish on the beach

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the stars we could reach
Were just starfish on the beach

We had joy we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the seasons
Have all gone

All our lives we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
Out of time

與此同時, 原交給 The Beach Boy 的唱片錄音亦有十分有好的成績, 迄今衹英、美、加三地已銷售超過一千四百萬張。亦有很多的不同翻唱版本, 與及其他國家語言的演譯。


NEXT .... Original & Remade