November 2, 2014

GLOOMY SUNDAY - 7/4 : 魔咒輓歌 - 禁播

議 决 禁 播
1936年, "Sad Sunday" 此曲流入英、美不久, 很快被英國樂壇以英文版本錄製唱片, 由作詞人 Desmond Carter 填上英文歌詞, 另改曲名為 "Gloomy Sunday" 由著名爵士樂手 Paul Robeson 演譯。

BILLIE HOLIDAY (1915-1959)

GLOOMY SUNDAY - 1936年, 首次的英國版英文歌詞面世
Vocal: Paul Robeson (1898-1976)
Lyric: Desmond Carter 

 Sadly one Sunday I waited and waited
 With flowers in my arms for the dream I'd created
 I waited 'til dreams, like my heart, were all broken
 The flowers were all dead and the words were unspoken
 The grief that I knew was beyond all consoling
 The beat of my heart was a bell that was tolling

 Saddest of Sundays

 Then came a Sunday when you came to find me
 They brought me to church and I left you behind me
 My eyes could not see one I wanted to love me
 The earth and the flowers are forever above me
 The bell tolled for me and the wind whispered, "Never!"
 But you I have loved and I bless you forever

 Last of all Sundays

當時正直美國的經濟大蕭條, 失業勞工與家庭均處絕望與失落的困境, 一首悽愴的歌曲很易與人們產生共嗚, 所以這一曲 "Gloomy Sunday" 在美國之關注程度, 更甚於很多歐洲國家, 而在美國本土跟此曲有關連的自殺案件亦為數不少, 相信是因當時人們處於貧苦之境, 再受此曲悲愴的渲染而頻生。

歐美各國對此曲開始引起恐慌, 英國BBC電台決定禁播此曲, 美國, 歐洲其他國家如法國、西班牙等亦隨即仿效。多國的廣播電台更召開一次特別會議, 決議歐美各國抵制及禁播, 原作者 Rezső Seress 並没有表示該決議的任何不滿。

幾個月後, 自殺案件明顯減少, 英國的 BBC 電台開始取消禁播, 但祇可播出其音樂版本。1941年8月此曲再由美國作詞家 Sam M. Lewis 重新填上另一英文歌詞面世, 由女歌手 Billie Holiday 重新演譯, 直到今天成為最受歡迎版本之一。

GLOOMY SUNDAY - 1941年至今的美國版英文歌詞
Vocal: Billie Holiday
Lyric: Sam M. Lewis

Sunday is gloomy,
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of
Sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought
Of ever returning you
Would they be angry
If I thought of joining you?

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy is Sunday,
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and I
Have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be candles
And prayers that are said I know
Let them not weep
Let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressin' you
With the last breath of my soul
I'll be blessin' you

Gloomy Sunday

Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart, dear
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is tellin' you
How much I wanted you

Gloomy Sunday

自禁播後, 美國政府將此曲原有記錄銷毁, 现在所公開僅存的一份原稿, 是收藏在美國俄亥俄音樂學院。

 7/5 .... 微 笑 城 市