May 2, 2015

ANTHONY QUINN - 3/3 : Songs

ANTHONY QUINN 1915 - 2001
他一生所演出的電影帶給影迷不少回憶之外, 他的歌曲錄音有多少樂迷知道或聽過呢? 可能他的唱片很少, 衹有一張專輯唱片 "In My Own Way ... I Love You", 單曲細唱片的錄音亦衹有十三張, 大多數是專輯中的歌曲, 主要以獨白演譯, 並非一般的流行歌曲, 所以不為樂迷留意和甚少上載到網上, 現將其中有錄音上載的歌曲給影、樂迷欣賞。

LIFE ITSELF WILL LET YOU KNOW - Anthony Quinn & Charlie

I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME - Anthony Quinn
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
I love you
How many different ways are there to say I love you

I love you
No need to say it any other way
You love me
How wonderful,
Oh, how wonderful that such a thing can be
Just, just we two
Adds up to I love you and you love me

I love you
How many different ways are there to say I love you
Te voglio bene (I love you), Te chiero (I love you),
Ich Liebe Dich (I love you), Je t'adore (I adore you)
I love you
No need to say it any other way

Honey, honey you love me
How, how wonderful that such a thing can be
Baby, baby, just we two
Adds up to I love you and you love me

WHAT IS LOVE - Anthony Quinn
"What Is Love? I don't know You know, when I was a kid I wondered what would love be like When it happened to me I mean would it be the same As loving cherry pie, riding a bike Hey look ma, no hands Snitching a drag on a cigarette It would hardly seem likely So I asked around Hey, what is love?

The answer was always the same You'll know when it happens You know, you know, people say What a beautiful day, I love it Oh, I love that song Peanut brittle gets in my teeth But I love it Oh, I love those shoes I love the Yankees Me, I love ketchup on my french fries Everything is love, love, love, love If everybody knows everything about love

Then how come I can't get an answer to what is love And when I got a little older I also wondered what would The love of my life be called Elsie, Helen, Maggie, Beaulah, Rosie Then I realized it didn't matter Because I would always call her honey So, what is love?

You know, when I first met you I mean, I don't know that I fell in love I'm not even sure that I love you now I only know that with you I'm comfortable, I'm at ease That I can be me, myself You want to know something You're a headache I can put up with Argue with, even fight with But you're also my aspirin 'Cause you're the one I want to make up with I find that I don't mind Seeing in the morning with those watch ya majigs in your hair

I don't even mind at bedtime when you take off that girdle And you yawn and you scratch yourself In fact, I kind of like it It pleases me, I enjoy it Now, if all this means I love you Then I ahh, I guess I ahh, I love you So, if you ask me what is love? I'd say ahh, I think I'd say ahh No, I'd have to say ahh It's you"

Anthony Quinn with The Harold Spina Singers and Orchestra
1     In My Own Way
2     Just How Much Do I Love You
3     What Is Love?
4     I Love You, You Love Me
5     Love Is A Headache
6     The Distance To The Moon
7     Fall In Love In Rome
8     Carissima
9     Young And Foolish-And In Love
10   Who Can Forget A First Love?
11   Ask
12   The Last Leaf On The Apple Tree