May 3, 2015

MOTHER'S DAY 母 親 節 起 源

一個全世界為人子女皆不能忘掉的節日, 以紀念母親給子女和家庭所付出的愛與關懷。目前所知最早的母親節是始於古希臘, 人們向希臘眾神之母 Hilaria 致敬的日子。其後至十七世紀中葉, 節日流傳到英國, 在這一天, 出門工作的青年會返回家中, 並帶給母親一些小禮物, 對母親的奉獻以表感恩與問候。

在美國, "Mother's Day 母親節" 是由 Anna Jarvis (1864-1948) 提倡。她終身沒有結婚, 與仁慈和富同情心的母親相依為命, 因有感而發並提議訂立一個節日, 為紀念所有母親給子女付出的愛與關懷; 但是, 這個願望尚未實現, 她的母親已離世。

Anna Jarvis 於1907年開始發起活動, 並申請將一個法訂的日子為 "Mother's Day 母親節"; 及後至1908年五月十日, 在美國 West Virginia 西維珍尼亞州正式開始。

1913年, 美國國會確定將每年五月的第二個星期日作為法訂的 "Mother's Day 母親節", 並規定這一天家家戶戶都要懸掛國旗, 以表達對母親的敬愛。而 Anna Jarvis 的母親生前最愛的花 "Carnation 康乃馨" 也成了美國母親節的象徵。

至此, 美國與及大多數國家均以五月份的第二個星期日訂為母親節之外, 一些國家可能以當地的文化或起源作同樣的紀念, 這樣更可達致不同地域與日子, 給母親一個永恆與延續的感恩。"Mother's Day 母親節" 會送一份心意的禮物給母親; 至今, "Carnation 康乃馨" 仍視作獻給母親最佳的鮮花之一。

Victor Records 17913 - Recorded: November 17,1915 - Release Date: February 1916
Music and words by Howard Johnson & Theo. Morse. 
Vocal: Henry Burr
US Billboard 1 - Feb 1916 (11 weeks)

M-O-T-H-E-R (A Word That Means The World To Me)
I've been around the world, you bet,
But never went to school,
Hard knocks are all I seem to get,
Perhaps, I've been a fool;

But still, some educated folks,
Supposed to be so swell,
Would fail, if they were called upon,
A simple word to spell.

Now, if you'd like to put me to a test,
There's one dear name that I can spell the best;

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears were shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold,
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right, she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER"
A word that means the world to me.

When I was but a baby,
Long before I learned to walk,
While lying in my cradle,
I would try my best to talk;

It wasn't long, before I spoke,
And all the neighbors heard,
My folks were very proud of me,
For "MOTHER" was the word.

Although I never lay a claim to fame,
I'm satisfied that I can spell the name;

"M" is for the mercy she possesses,
"O" means that I owe her all I own,
"T" is for her tender sweet caresses,
"H" is for her hands that made a home:
"E" means everything she's done to help me,
"R" means real and regular, you see,
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER"
A word that means the world to me.

A VINTAGE VERSION of Nursery Rhyme: M-O-T-H-E-R

1936年, 九歲的歌影童星 Bobby Breen (1927-2016), 以精簡的童謠演繹, 獻給普天下的母親和準媽咪!

Share this beautiful video full of Quotes & Poems 
to show your mum how much you love her on Mother's Day.  - youtube -