June 13, 2015

DICKEY LEE - 2/2 : Teenage Tragedy Songs

"LAURIE" - 靈異奇談
Dickey Lee 1965年的專輯唱片 "Laurie & The Girl From Peyton Place", 主題歌曲 "Laurie (Strange Things Happen)", 歌詞由一位心理學家 Dr. Milton Addington 所撰寫, 靈感啓發是來自一份1964年, 曼菲斯市 Memphis 報章刊登的故事, 作者是個十五歲的少女 Cathie Harmon; 所以她的名字同在歌曲創作人之列, 可共分享此曲的版權税收益。
"Laurie & The Girl From Peyton Place"
作者 Cathie Harmon 的靈感是源自一本"The Legend of Resurrection Mary 轉世瑪莉奇談"; 三十年代, 芝加哥一些舞會埸所, 有不少男子曾經與一位女子共舞, 各人皆知道她是個害羞而雙手冰冷的女子, 曾駕車送她回家的男士說, 她總是在離開 Archer Avenue 不遠的 "Resurrection Cemetery 轉世墓園" 之前下車, 並要求不用陪她步返, 多人曾目送她的身影在暗淡的路燈下瞬間便消失。某年一個晚上, 在 Liberty Grove 的一個舞會, Jerry Palu 亦與這少女共舞, 之後又駕車送她回家, 途中亦有提及她的住處; 翌日 Jerry 前往該住所求見, 叩門時衹見一老婦應門, 並稱這女子確是自己的女兒, 但是她已於幾年前去世, 還拿出女兒的相片給 Jerry 究認, 原來她就是作晚要求在墓園附近下車的少女 ....

每年的 "Halloween 萬聖節前夕" 電台深宵節目, "Laurie - Strange Things Happen" 是大多數少女既想聽又驚怕的靈異奇談和歌曲; 或許, 此時正好給少男一些機會吧 !

Laurie (Strange Things Happen) - Dickey Lee -1965
Last night at the dance I met Laurie
So lovely and warm, an angel of a girl
Last night I fell in love with Laurie
Strange things happen in this world

As I walked her home, she said, it was her birthday
I pulled her close and said, "Will I see you anymore?"
Then suddenly she asked for my sweater
And said that she was very, very cold

I kissed her goodnight at her door and started home
Then thought about my sweater
And went right back instead
I knocked at her door and a man appeared
I told why I'd come, then he said

"You're wrong, son, you weren't with my daughter
How can you be so cruel to come to me this way?
My Laurie left this world on her birthday
She died a year ago today"

A strange force drew me to the graveyard.
I stood in the dark, I saw the shadows wave
And then I looked and saw my sweater
Lyin' there upon her grave

Strange things happen in this world

1995年, Dickey Lee 更被樂壇譽封納入 "Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame" 創作歌手殿堂名人榜。及後, 他仍繼續撰寫歌曲, 参予各式音樂研討會, 經常與其他歌手或樂隊玩奏鄉謠或搖滾歌曲, 有時亦會跟同輩的歌手如 S. Fabian, Bobby Vee, Tommy Roe, Lou Christie, The Diamonds, The Shirelles 等同台合演。