June 13, 2015

DICKEY LEE - 2/1 : Teenage Tragedy Songs

The Tale Of Patches
自從1955年 Varetta Dillard ( 前文: JOHNNY ACE - 4/4 : "Pledging My Love Memorial Album")  她的一首悼念歌曲 "Johnny Has Gone" 之後, 雖然歌詞較為保守, 仍打破美國樂壇的傳統和禁忌, 開青少年悲情歌曲的先河, 這類歌曲陸續面世, 使當時社會的年青人問題被受關注。

原名字 Royden Dickey Lipscomb, 一位流行歌曲和鄉謠創作歌手, 生於1936年美國 Tennessee 田納西州Memphis 曼菲斯市。他的首張唱片是1957年由他的家鄉 Tampa Records 錄製的 "Dream Boy", 當年 Elvis Presley 聽過後, 邀請他回家暢談, 推薦他給 Sun Records 的監製 Sam Philips; 1958年開始成為公司歌手。1962年, 他撰寫的作品 "She Think I Still Care", 一首情竇初開的歌曲, 交由 George Jones 演譯, 首登流行榜的位置; 後來, 此曲的翻唱有 Elvis Presley, Connie Francis 和不同歌手等版本, 與及 Anne Murray 把歌曲的 "SHE" 改成 "HE" 演譯的 "He Thinks I Still Care" 亦同受歡迎。

至1971年與 RCA Records 簽約為公司歌手, 在該公司有不少佳作如: "Never Ending Song Of Love", "Ashes Of Love", "9,999,999 Tears" 等, 使他成為流行樂壇的歌星之一。1978年, 加盟 Mercury Records, 期間亦有和其他歌手合作, 如 "Air Supply" 與 Kathy Burdick 二重唱等。

Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I rang his number by mistake today
He thinks I still care

Just because I haunt the same old places
Where the mem'ry of him lingers everywhere
Just because I'm not the happy girl I used to be
He thinks I still care

And if he's happy thinking I still need him
Then let that silly notion bring him cheer
But how could he ever be so foolish?
Or where would he get such an idea?

Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I saw him, then went all to pieces
He thinks I still care

Yes, he thinks I still care - See more at: http://www.mp3ski.info/lyrics/dorothy-moore-he-thinks-i-still-care.html#sthash.JKgYcDrL.dpuf
Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I rang his number by mistake today
He thinks I still care

Just because I haunt the same old places
Where the mem'ry of him lingers everywhere
Just because I'm not the happy girl I used to be
He thinks I still care

And if he's happy thinking I still need him
Then let that silly notion bring him cheer
But how could he ever be so foolish?
Or where would he get such an idea?

Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I saw him, then went all to pieces
He thinks I still care

Yes, he thinks I still care - See more at: http://www.mp3ski.info/lyrics/dorothy-moore-he-thinks-i-still-care.html#sthash.JKgYcDrL.dpuf
Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I rang his number by mistake today
He thinks I still care

Just because I haunt the same old places
Where the mem'ry of him lingers everywhere
Just because I'm not the happy girl I used to be
He thinks I still care

And if he's happy thinking I still need him
Then let that silly notion bring him cheer
But how could he ever be so foolish?
Or where would he get such an idea?

Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I saw him, then went all to pieces
He thinks I still care

Yes, he thinks I still care - See more at: http://www.mp3ski.info/lyrics/dorothy-moore-he-thinks-i-still-care.html#sthash.JKgYcDrL.dpuf
Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I rang his number by mistake today
He thinks I still care

Just because I haunt the same old places
Where the mem'ry of him lingers everywhere
Just because I'm not the happy girl I used to be
He thinks I still care

And if he's happy thinking I still need him
Then let that silly notion bring him cheer
But how could he ever be so foolish?
Or where would he get such an idea?

Just because I ask a friend about him
Just because I spoke his name somewhere
Just because I saw him, then went all to pieces
He thinks I still care

Yes, he thinks I still care

Track List

Roses Are Red
Wolverton Mountain
A Little Bitty Tear
Tell Laura I Love Her
Travelin' Man
Miller's Cave
Teen Angel
Running Bear
Devil Woman
Ebony Eyes
Ballad Of A Teenage Queen


Dickey Lee 1962年的第一張専輯唱片 "The Tale Of Patches", 全是青少年的悲情歌曲, 當中他原唱的主題歌曲 "Patches", 描述青年戀人雙雙自殺的悲情故事, 卻帶來樂壇一番爭議。當年代的美國, 相信跟其他國家一樣, 不同社會階層的家庭, 父母對子女的交友和戀愛, 均加諸關注或干涉, 要門當戶對, 如家庭背景有大差異時, 所遭愛情波折而輕生的事件時有發生, 當時社會或家庭, 過於保守和維謢家聲, 更為了此風不可長, 避免有所渲染, 為情自殺事件, 甚少見報。這首刻劃出青少年自殺的歌曲, 被當年大多數電台禁播, 但很快卻售出超過一百萬張, 登上流行榜第六位罝, 並獲得金唱片獎項。

是一個少女的名字, 在愛情路上, 遇上父母的反對, 受盡愛情的苦惱至投河自盡, 了卻一生。
男的遺言 : "這可能是個很錯的抉擇;  但是, 我要跟妳一起, 今夜見妳好了!"

PATCHES - Dickey Lee 1962
Written by: Barry Mann and Larry Kobler

Down by the river that flows by the coal yard's stand
Wooden houses with shutters torn down
There lives a girl everybody calls Patches
Patches my darling of old Shantytown

We planned to marry when June brought the summer
I couldn't wait to make Patches my bride
Now I don't see how that ever can happen
My folks say no and my heart breaks inside

Patches oh what can I do?
I swear, I'll always love you
But a girl from that place would just bring me disgrace
So my folks won't let me love you

Each night I cry as I think of that Shanty and pretty Patches
There watching the door
She doesn't know that I can't come to see her
Patches must think that I love her no more

I hear a neighbor telling my father
He says, a girl name of Patches was found floating face down
In that dirty old river that flows by the coal yards
In old Shantytown

Patches oh what can I do?
I swear, I'll always love you
It may not be right but I'll join you tonight
Patches I'm coming to you

Dickey Lee - Tell Laura I Love Her