June 7, 2015

JOHNNY ACE - 4/4 : "Pledging My Love Memorial Album"

Pledging My Love - Memorial Album
悲劇事發後, 全國的報紙同一報導, Johnny Ace 是死於俄羅斯輪盤遊戱的自殺; 亦有傳並非自殺, 因為在事發前的上午, 為何他還買下一部1955年型號的 Oldsmobile 房車呢? 這個謎一樣的故事維持了多年。

話說當年, Big Mama Thornton 的低音結他手 Curtis Tillman 所目睹的事實, 他稱: " 這是Johnny 經常酒後, 在人們面前玩弄手槍的搗蛋玩笑, 滿以為交還給他的是一枝沒有子彈的手槍; 原來, 這是七發的左輪手槍, 卻祇把六發子彈退下 .... "

1955年一月九日, Johnny Ace 的葬禮儀式在 Memphis 曼菲斯市的教堂 Clayborn Temple AME Church 進行, 出席致哀的樂壇朋友和歌迷近五千人。

"Pledging My Love" - 遺言
這首 Johnny Ace 生前仍未面世的歌曲, 在他死後两個月, 1955年二月十二日發行, 隨即登上 R&B 榜首逹十個星期; Billboard Magazine 報導稱:『自 Hank Williams 去世至今, Johnny Ace 的離世, 創造了單曲唱片的一天最高銷量紀錄!』繼而, Duke Records 唱片公司更發行一張特别紀念唱片專輯 "The Johnny Ace Memorial Album" 亦為樂迷收藏。

"Moody Blues"
1976年, Elvis Presley 亦以此曲收錄在他的唱片專輯內, 這是他最後一次的錄音室工作, 這張專輯 "Moody Blues" 於1977年七月面世, 一個月後, Elvis Presley 亦相繼離世。

PLEDGING MY LOVE - Elvis Presley 1977
Forever my darling our love will be true
Always and forever I'll love only you

Just promise me darling
Your love in return
May this fire in my soul dear
Forever burn

My heart's at your command dear
To keep, love and to hold
Making you happy's my desire
Keeping you is my goal

Forever I'll love you
for the rest of my days
I'll never part from you
or your loving ways

Just promise me darling
Your love in return
May this fire in my soul dear
Forever burn

My heart's at your command dear
To keep, love and to hold
Making you happy's my desire
Loving you is my goal

Forever I'll love you
for the rest of my days
I'll never part from you
or your loving ways

Just promise me darling
Your love in return
May this fire in my soul dear
Forever burn

Johnny Ace 他短暫的歌唱生涯, 由1952至54年期間的歌曲不多, 而有幾首是他離世後才面世。之後, 被各大歌手翻唱而被受歡迎的亦很多, 不過一些歌曲是樂迷沒有留意是 Johnny Ace 的原唱歌曲而已 !
My Song / Follow the Rule (1952)
Cross My Heart / Angel (1953)
The Clock / Aces Wild (1953)
Mid Night Hours Journey (1953)
Trouble and Me (Earl Forest) (1953)
Saving My Love For You (1954)
Yes, Baby (Duet with Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton) (1954)
Please Forgive Me / You've Been Gone So Long (1954)
Never Let Me Go / Burley Cutie (Instrumental 1954)
Pledging My Love / Anymore / No Money (1955)
Anymore / How Can You Be So Mean (1955)
So Lonely / I'm So Crazy, Baby (1956)
Don't You Know / I Still Love You So (1956)

"Pledging My Love" 除了被不少知名歌手翻唱之外, 亦曾在幾齣名製作電影中出現:
Martin Scorsese - "Mean Street 窮街陋巷"
John Carpenter - "Christine 魅力姬絲汀" Stephen King 的作品
Abel Ferrara - "Bad Lieutenant 壞警官"
Robert Zemeckis - "Back To The Future 回到未來" 背影歌曲

"Rock n' Roll 搖滾樂" 歷史學家 Harry Hepcat :
"Johnny Ace 的低沉腔調, 和後來的 Johnny Mathis 同樣有騷靈的味道"

Teenage Tragedy Songs
1955年 Varetta Dillard (1933-1993) 特别對 Johnny Ace 的悼念, 演譯了一曲 "Johnny Has Gone", 以他的歌曲名字代入歌詞中; 這亦是50年代末期, 打破傳統的禁忌, 開了青少年悲劇歌曲先河, 使這類别的歌曲作品, 日漸在樂壇出現。

JOHNNY HAS GONE - Varetta Dillard

 Johnny he's gone, to heaven above
But his song slinks around, fill this tender love

When he sang My SongPledging My/his Love
And Angel was listening, and called him above
The Clock is standing still since he has gone away
I'll Cross My Heart until I hear his voice some day.

So, Johnny my dear, I want you to know
I'll never forget you, Never Let Me/you Go
The Clock is standing still since he has gone away
I'll Cross My Heart until I hear his voice some day

 So, Johnny my dear, I want you to know
I'll never forget you, Never Let Me/you Go